Mar 02, 2008 16:14
I was short staffed again today. Minus one assistant. The kitchen sent prune juice to all my patients for breakfast. I'm sure you can guess the results. Someone must pay! Oh, yes indeedy. Freshly showered now. I'm going to take my uniform straight to the washer, 'cause I'm pretty sure there's got to be yuck on it somewhere. I'm one tired and unhappy nurse right now. I work full time plus every other weekend. It seems that on my weekends I am always short at least one, and most of the time both, days. Maybe I'm too easygoing. The other nurses who bitch and whine incessantly don't seem to get shafted nearly as much. I don't mind work. What I *do* take exception to is feeling that my patients aren't getting the attention they deserve.
To any nurse's assistants out there...please keep in mind that when we are shortstaffed and you have a nurse who really does help out by taking on half of the missing assistant's duties, that I still have *my* job to do also. I hope you remember that when you are teamed with a nurse who will just let you try to handle it by yourself.