Arghhh! I have had one of those days ... not really horrible, but lots of frustrating little things have me feeling tired and blue. My new job is great, and I'm feeling really good about commuting on the bus, but it feels like I have no time for anything anymore.
All the rushing around caused me to do a dumb thing and leave my ATM card in the frickin' machine, so now I have to spend time (that I feel I don't have) to get a new card and do all the things one has to do when one cancels a card and gets a new one. And we all know how much I love mindless processing of information.
The weekend was, of course, rushed (and wonderful) with Halloween and the wedding of
timuri and
scrivenerx, but it's left me feeling like I haven't been at home for ages. I'm robbing myself of sleep right now to post this, but I really feel like I need to say something, even if it's something yucky. I will be happier tomorrow. I swear. I promise.