Confessional Meme

Jan 01, 2008 11:14

Blame it on

1. You & your ex- were over a very long time ago

2. I am listening to - the wind in the trees outside the house
3. Maybe I should - get some exercise
4. I love -
5. I don't understand - why so many people (sometimes even me) have such a hard time simply saying "I'm sorry" when they hurt other people's feelings
6. I have lost my respect for - professional journalists
7. I last ate -  wonderful oatmeal made overnight in the Crock Pot
8. The meaning of my display name is - a nickname given to me a long time ago by a drag queen far, far away

1. Is your hair wet? no
2. Is your cell phone right by you? yes
3. Do you miss someone? yes
4. Are you wearing chapstick? no
5. Are you tired? yes
6. Are you wearing pajamas? yes
7. Are you mad? no
8. Are you upset? no


1. Recently done anything you regret? Yes. I spoke unkindly to someone I love very much
2. Ever lied? Yes, but not in a long while. These days I tend to omit rather than lie.
3. Ever kicked someone? Yes. The same person I defenestrated when I was 17 years old.


1. Have you cursed? - Not yet. ;-)
2. Have you gotten mad at someone? - No.
3. Who? - N/A


Q: Is there a person who is on your mind right now?
 Yes, my sister. She lives far away, and I miss her terribly.
Q: Do you have any siblings?
 Yes, The aforementioned sister (older by 6 years) and two brothers, one living (9 years older than I) and one dead (15 years older than I)
Q: Do you want children?
 Hell no.
Q: Do you smile often?
 I'm told I do, but I'm not conscious of it.
Q: Do you untie your shoes every time you take them off? Almost never

Q: Do you like your handwriting? Not really.
Q: Who's bed other than yours did you last sleep in?

Q: What color shirt are you wearing right now? peridot green (now, there's a shock, huh?)

Q: What were you doing at 7pm yesterday? figuring out how to watch Season #1 of Dexter on my Mac in the living room so both of us could see & hear it well.
Q: I can't wait till?
 the first truly warm day of spring
Q: What would you rather be called? lily
Q: When did you cry last?
 a little bit just about every night for the last three weeks
Q: Are you a friendly person?
 If having some friends for more than 30 years counts as evidence, then, yes.
Q: Do you have any pets? The last remaining cat: Mohammed Don King Cleavon Little, (aka) Stinky

Q: Are you the one of those kids that cut their hair by themselves when they were younger?
 Sure. Here's proof.
Q: What do you think when you see someone trip, and then try and play it off? Depends on who they are. If it's just somebody having a clumsy moment, I'm relieved that they're okay. If it's somebody trying too hard to look "kewl" I have to admit to a small, mean part of me that wishes they'd turfed.
Q: Weirdest movie you've seen? Arguably, Lair of the White Worm. But it's really more awful than weird. Weirdly awful? Awfully weird?
Q: Interested in manga? [Japanese "comic books"]
  Not really.
Q: Know someone who just has way too many freaking aim screen names?
Not really.
Q: Can you be trusted with a fragile object?
  Without a doubt.
Q: Ever almost get run over by a car? Quite a few times back when I was young
Q: Do your parents have home videos from when you were a baby?
 No. Not even movies. My dad pawned the family movie camera and projector one year with the film still in it.
Q: What's your favorite popsicle flavor? Green/Lime/Green
Q: Ever get poked in the eye?
 Ouch! Yeah.
Q: Best thing that happened today? So far, waking up with
daddysir (who says he's feeling much better today)

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