Random traveling notes

Apr 02, 2007 17:41

I don't much mind the airport when it's just waking up, before all the gate announcements and surly travelers. Still, this morning as I looked out into the darkness as my plane pulled up to the gate, I felt a little anxious, apprehensive of the trip. I cured it though, by listening to "Lily's Traveling Lullaby" on my iPod (which I love). I plan to listen to it again before I go to sleep tonight.

As the plane took off from SeaTac, I watched the full moon, an orange disk hovering just above the Western horizon. It was lovely. It hung suspended for a long, long moment, almost as if it wanted to see me safely on my way before it ducked behind the clouds that rimmed the Sound and the Olympics beyond.

I did not get wedged against the wall of an aluminum tube by a big, fat, sweaty man who smelled of sauerkraut. Perhaps that pleasure will wait for the ride home. I did, however, share a row with two very loud snorers. Have I mentioned that I love my iPod?

In O'Hare airport, I saw a man waiting to board a plane to Jacksonville. He was wearing a FEMA polo shirt. That takes guts, I think.

It is now 9 p.m. EDT, which should feel like 6 p.m. PDT to me. However, since I was up at 2 a.m. to catch my 3 a.m. shuttle to the airport, I'm feeling pretty damned tired right now. So much for taking a long time to reset my sleep clock. I don't think I'll have any trouble slipping into dreamland and waking up refreshed for breakfast and my 9 a.m. meeting.


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