Lily/James Games 2011 ♥ Expecto Patronum Round 2

Mar 27, 2011 17:04

Expecto Patronum

Round 2

Welcome to the second of our Lily/James Games Expecto Patronum Rounds! A few new things before the reiteration of the rules:
  1. New! Before you check out the prompt, please remember to include the information in rule 5 in your subject line. This is really important for keeping things clear.
  2. New! Please see the changes to rule ( Read more... )

expecto patronum bonus round 2011, !mod_post, !2011

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STAG [Fic, PG13] Proud by BeeDaily beedaily March 28 2011, 01:38:56 UTC
Title: Proud
Author/Artist: beedaily
Team: Stag.
Rating & Warnings: PG-13, language.
Summary: An unfortunate wager finds James playing waiter at Puddifoot's.

Really, he should know better by now than to wager with Sirius.

"Welcome to Puddifoot's. What can I get you?"

Someone clears their throat. Up until now, James has maintained a strict policy of keeping his eyes trained on his notepad to avoid the humiliation of actual eye contact. But at this light hemming sound-this familiar, light hemming sound-his gaze darts up automatically. He very much regrets the impulse when he meets the amused emeralds staring back at him, and even more so when he sees the blighter seated across from her.

Lily's lips twitch tellingly. Her eyes rove him. "Nice apron," she says.

James glances down at the bright pink apron Puddifoot had thrust at him this morning. He refuses to flush. "Thanks. My colour, no?"

"Definitely. New job?"

"Lost bet. Sirius conned Puddifoot into taking me for the day."

"Haven't you learned not to wager with that cheat yet?"

"Apparently not."

Lily smiles. She's opening her mouth to say something more-

"What do you suggest?" Bertram Aubrey interrupts loudly, cutting Lily off and giving James a baleful stare. James sneers at him, wishing he could swipe the plastic menu from the tosser's fingers and slice him with it. But that won't win him points with anyone-Puddifoot or Lily-so he resists the urge.

"The flapjacks," James barks. "Tea's not rubbish, either."

"We'll have the Cauldron of Love Set," Aubrey declares-just to be contrary, undoubtedly. His spite is about to blow up in his face, though. James watches as Lily flinches, then scowls in annoyance. Besides the fact that she abhors coffee and prefers scones to treacle, only an ignorant twat would think Lily Evans would tolerate being ordered for.

James waits for her to snap, but Aubrey's already shooing him. "Run off, Potter."



It's a sound dismissal, and Lily silently stews instead of speaking up for either of them. James wishes he was surprised, but he knows Lily and her pride too well-too proud to defend James because of what it might mean (and it does mean something, despite what she insists), and certainly too proud to row with Aubrey while James is there. It's almost enough to grab the nearest boiling teapot and dump it over his own head.

Instead, he leaves, burning-by-teapot postponed.

Soon after, James sweeps back to the table with a True Love Cream Tea and a blistering temper. He places the kettle and the plate of scones in front of Lily. He can feel her eyes on him. Aubrey is frowning.

"This isn't what I ordered."

"No, it's what she ordered," James snaps, nodding at Lily. "Or what she would have done, had you bothered to ask."

"James," Lily says.

He doesn't even look at her. He storms off.

It's only a few minutes later, while he's crossly throwing together another tea service, that he feels the tap on his shoulder. Angrily, he whirls around.

Lily is nibbling her lip.

"Need any help?" she asks.


Re: STAG [Fic, PG13] Proud by BeeDaily julvett March 28 2011, 02:04:29 UTC
Oh my God, this was fantastic... no wonder Bertram wound up with his head inflated ;) I can't wait to read more of your drabbles, because both of yours so far have been incredible! James' actions seemed so in-character, and when Lily joined him in the end it was perfect, not too mushy but still really sweet <3


Re: STAG [Fic, PG13] Proud by BeeDaily beedaily March 28 2011, 02:34:11 UTC
I figure Bertram's inflating happened not-too-long from here, no? ;D

Glad you enjoyed! I think I might literally just sit and drabble all day long if there were prompts enough. Which is why it's probably a good thing that these are spaced out. Though I still drabble way too much, with or without them. *headdesk* =D


Re: STAG [Fic, PG13] Proud by BeeDaily missgoalie75 March 28 2011, 02:49:20 UTC
I. LOVED. THIS. I wish I could say more...but I really can't. Just all kinds of awesome.


Re: STAG [Fic, PG13] Proud by BeeDaily beedaily March 28 2011, 22:23:11 UTC
*grin* Glad you enjoyed! Y_Y


Re: STAG [Fic, PG13] Proud by BeeDaily museme87 March 28 2011, 03:06:46 UTC
This is such an awesome take on the prompt, Bee. I'm sort of floored here. James was lovable and very upstanding, bringing Lily what she would have ordered. Actually, I think I love him for knowing it to begin with. :) Aubrey was an arse--one of those you love to hate. And Lily? She was lovely, especially at the end.


Re: STAG [Fic, PG13] Proud by BeeDaily beedaily March 28 2011, 22:25:25 UTC
Thanks, Hillary! When I first saw the prompt, I had a bit of groan moment because I've already done my Puddifoot!fic and I didn't know if such things come in pairs, but then this idea suddenly popped in my head and all was well. =)


Re: STAG [Fic, PG13] Proud by BeeDaily klose March 28 2011, 04:17:06 UTC
I am in love with the idea of James as a waiter at Puddifoot's - it's original and kind of hilariously perfect. Bertram is a decided idiot, and I love that James brings the order Lily wants instead. Nicely done James, nicely done. *g* Thanks, as always, for sharing your wonderful writings with us!


Re: STAG [Fic, PG13] Proud by BeeDaily beedaily March 28 2011, 22:27:32 UTC
Thanks so much! I grappled momentarily with taking on Puddifoot's in a non-cliche way and this was the result. Waiter!James. He'll do. ;D


Re: STAG [Fic, PG13] Proud by BeeDaily killerbunny117 March 28 2011, 04:54:59 UTC
This is exactly what I needed during my break from the 2,000 word term paper. Great job Bee!!!


Re: STAG [Fic, PG13] Proud by BeeDaily beedaily March 28 2011, 22:29:11 UTC
Thanks, Katie! Hope the term paper went/is going well. =)


Re: STAG [Fic, PG13] Proud by BeeDaily firstbreaths March 28 2011, 10:24:58 UTC
Oh, I love the unusual take on the prompt and that, for all that James paying attention to Lily can come across as superficial, he really does notice the important things.


Re: STAG [Fic, PG13] Proud by BeeDaily beedaily March 28 2011, 22:29:42 UTC
Thanks! It's the little things, right? Even done in a temper. =)


Re: STAG [Fic, PG13] Proud by BeeDaily liebedance March 28 2011, 15:36:59 UTC
This just had me smiling the entire time. From James' stupidity to wager with Sirius to his apron to his knowing what Lily would've ordered. Really, just brilliant as always. Y_Y


Re: STAG [Fic, PG13] Proud by BeeDaily beedaily March 28 2011, 22:30:23 UTC
Glad you enjoyed, Leah! Y_Y


Re: STAG [Fic, PG13] Proud by BeeDaily perilousgard March 28 2011, 20:05:18 UTC
I love the end, how James knew what she would have wanted. Angry/jealous James is one of my favorites, and I do love the way you write him. :) Nice job!


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