Dec 30, 2006 18:34
2006 Randomosity
Let's Start With Your Favorites of 2006...
Movie:: Lord of War (?) (or was that 2005?...)
Song:: either that Stone Sour song (through glass?) or Gnarles Barkley, "Crazy"
Outfit:: platforms, blue cord skirt, green and white tanktop.
Rap song to mock:: Promiscuous Girl
Place you went:: Savannah, GA
Gift you received:: Laptop from Uncles Scott and Bruce
Color:: Purple~always
Food:: uhm. Raisinettes, I think.
TV Show: Project Runway/ The Sopranos
In the Spring of 06...
What was the weather like?: warm, rainy, beautiful.
Did you do anything for spring break?: yeh. Slept.
What holiday(s) did you celebrate?: Passover, Easter
What did you like to do during the spring of '06?: Took a lot of depression meds, watched alot of The Sopranos, worked my tuches off at school, obsessed over someone, wrote alot of poems, cried, (it was not a good spring.)
Summer of 2006
When did summer officially start for you?: Whenever I got to Pittsburgh, lol.
Did you go on vacation?: yeh-to my hometown.
How often did you go swimming, if at all?: yES. iN A vODkA iNdUCEd sTAtE OF iNViNSIBiLItY...
What will you remember most?: the vodka incident, the josh incident.
Did you go to any camp or go camping?: No, but I did lay on the ground outside of Christina's pool in my soaked clothes for about 3 hours...
Swim in a creek/river? Ocean?: no, just Christina's pool.
Go to any concerts?: nope.
Any of those "summer romances"?: Sort of.
If so, who?: Ironically, Josh
Best thing about the summer of '06:: DRINKING WITH THE CREW!!( I second this)
Do anything school related?: Probably.
The Fall of '06....
When did you start school again?: August
What grade did you enter?: Sophomore yr of College
Struggle at all getting "back into the groove of things"?: No, psh.
Rake any leaves?: No
Jump in any leaf piles?:nope
What was the most memorable part of fall?: Savannah, GA and EVAN. 'nuff said.
Winter time!
What's the weather like during the winter?: kind of chilly, but still sunny!
If it snows, what was the most snow you had?: it never snows in the ATL
What holiday did you celebrate?: Thanksgiving, Christmas, Chanukah, My B-day.
What kind of gifts did you get?: Clothes, candles, pens, paper, laptop, software, digital camera
Make any snow angels?: No snow=no angels
Snowmen?: No snow=no men
Did you belt out carols like a madman at all?: absolutely not.
How old did you turn this year?: 22
Change your look at all?: My hair is long and curly and auburn
Do you FEEL older?: yes. fetch me my knitting and my granny blanket.
Any life changing experiences?: Yes, however; My client will now take the 5th Amendment, and will make no comment at this time....
Near death experiences?: probably the Vodka incident
Do any painting at all?: no
Greatest accomplishment of '06:: Straight A's, spring and fall semester! HA!
Looking forward to it?: It's going to be different than ever before.
What specifically are you anticipating?: Mom's wedding.
If you're single, hoping to get in a relationship?: I'm hoping to stay in one.
What do you want to change?: *see RESOLUTION LIST-coming soon*
Any plans for 2007?: *see above*
And yes, getting ahead of myself... what about 2008? we'll burn that bridge when we come to it.
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