what have i been doing the last 2 months

May 11, 2007 12:49

from the day the pumps broke and the city flooded one foot of water.

whiskey (the boy on the car) was sposed to have taken a pic of me riding a bike in 3 feet of water but he was unable to grasp the whole it beeps when it takes a picture thing... so sucks.


the ship breaking yard aka The Bad Kids Playground... currently the number one drunken foolishness spot since falstaff got turned in to condos.

the 120 foot high falstaff brewery sign can be seen here in the distance from the roof of the OTHER giant old abandoned brewery, Dixie. the abandoned falstaff brewery was drunken foolishness destination number one untill september when some asshole started slowly transforming it in to condos.

dixie beer is actually a much more beautiful building but is currently being dismantled for scrap metal by a large contractor.

brandy gumpie vs brodie macaroni

i spent 30 hours rebuilding this mini shriners car thing and it still doesnt quite run right... some kinna carb problem...

its sposed to come on the miss rockaway as our "lunar lander" and after the summer i intend to steal it and keep it.

build the rockaway ~ NOLA crew

bicycles, musical intruments, and tools getting shipped to the boat.

grail street - grail street house was obtained as a "house sit/ worktrade" and is owned by this woman k who is currently in a nursing home but used to date elvis. the largely upper class white neighbours completely hate us and called the cops on us for stuff like playing banjos after midnight and building a tiny house in the backyard without a permit

this is the tiny house i built in the backyard without a permit. it started off as a 2 and a half walled roofless shed that had been destroyed by termites and the tornado. all materials to build it were scavanged, donated , or "obtained". total cost of construction was about $12. the neighbours hate it and scream at me everytime i try to work on it. they called the cops on me for shingling the roof. the cop was confused.

its not done yet. i need to frame the windows and hook up electricity, but i prolly wont have time before the boat. and the neighbours call the police everytime i work on it.

overall , this is the first time i built an entire house almost completely from scratch. it took approximately 150 work hours total, mostly me working alone but with a variety of skilled and unskilled assistance from rocket, mulberry, ritard ,hershal abstains, brodie macaroni, alexis dodge, and esp whiskey who seriously enjoys roofing.

this is something i'd really like to do professionally. If any of y'all are going back to the land any time soon and want a house built, i'd love to come work with you in exchange for room and bord. im free starting 2008 give or take a few months.

i've actually barely had time to enjoy my mini house cuz i been sleeping in the grail and the float warehouse and i didnt even have the roof water proof till last week.

i know a bunch of you are either getting land or working on alternative building projects. i built the atlantis research station at grail street as a portpholio peice. more pics to come soon.

building a float for the Big 7 second line steppers // save the st bernard housing projects // mothers day second line parade.

its a funny cobbled together float made by a variety of mostly artists who dont live in the projects. mary-belle organised the thing as its a present to the projects activists she works with on the st-bernard occupation. I'm working here for free at the expense of time to get my own house organised for my health inspection next week cuz:

a.mary-belle can talk anybuddy in to doing any rediculous pipe dream she comes up with.

b. i'm auditioning my construction, artistic skills to get a job building parade floats this winter. jules, who owns this shop, has been building floats for over a decade with endemion, chaos, and a few other crews...
i just found out tho that hes going to be closing this private float shop of his cuz his rent is way to high. he'll continue to work in the employee of the big crews but i have no idea what this means in terms of me getting a solid gig lined up this winter.

if anybuddy wants to live in an artist loft space in garden district NOLA for a little under $500 tell me now. jules' warehouse is about 6000 sq feet and its just him and his dog right now.

in the notarial archive, the stacks before 1985 are organised alphabeticly by name of notary. here is the complete works of leslie beard, the man who notarised the sale of termite and vine to our dead benefactor CV. CV and his wife bought termite in 1941 for $2500. that means that if i bail out termites tax adjudication eventually for $10600, that i will have paid 4 times as much for the house as anyone else ever has before. ($10600 is termites current assessment, tho before it was left to rot fifteen years ago it was valued by the tax assessor at $90k.)

to blow off steam and relax, i like to take lots of ritalin and climb the abandoned downtown core. over half the office buildings in the heart of the city are completely empty and borded up. allthough most of them are owned and secured by property management companies, thus not available for me to possess. theese picks were taken off the 8th floor roof of an empty department store. the block of small buildings in the foreground is %85 empty.

more pics of this soon.

finally got arround to exploriung the most frightening building in town. the 16 floor gallas (formerly delta) towers hotel is a 500 room hotel, office building, and gaggle of stores and restauraunts that is completely abandoned to the elemnets. an unknown number of home bums and crack heads live in there. i managed to get in without being detected and spent the next 3 hours trying to get the fuck out navigating boobytrapped hallways, welded shut fire exits, and labrinths of windowless office space while unseen crackheads ran up and down the hallways screaming and breaking stuff.

show here is a giant puddle of fucking bloood.

it was neat and exciting and theres tons of office supplies and lightbulbs in there but i am so not going back in there alone.

summer time = dumb haircut and spicy meat cooked with fire

keeping it real
keeping it surreal !!!

abandoned, rockaway, the house, morteville, adventures

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