termite is mine

May 10, 2007 20:47

our paper work is mostly complete. we have the legal right to occupy termite for the purpose of renovating it.

1. but we still have to escape a mandatory post flood building inspection. the health department is flagging all abandoned buildings for possible seizure or demolition. i've been trying all week to contatc the people in charge of the inspections but every time i go ot the office its a dozen angry home owners demanding that someone take them off the demolition list. the people in charge are hiding. there was an article in the paper about how the city is giving abandoned buildings to big developers, but are having a hard time cuz over %24 of the owners of abandoned buildings appeared last minute to pay their back taxes and save their property. city hall is sad about this cuz it fucks up theri developement plans (and the owners prolly aren't gonne fix their ugly houses.

we need an ugly house union !!! certificates of use and occupancy opress people who are perfectly comfortable with 3 walls and a bucket to shit in.

2. the police have told me they wont nessessarily observe our right to the property. i'm trying to get my police cheif to talk to the city attorny. the city attorny is one of the main people hiding from everyone as mentioned above. its my intention that if the police fuck with me, i'm gonna send them to her office and they can sit there for an hour waiting for somone who isnt there.

3. i hvae to finish building a parade float, prepare the grail for summer tenants, and go hop a train to a boat.

but i have my house back kind of. yay, perhaps.

PS: mary-belle found a bird with a hole in it... its a sparrow and a dog chewed it and it has a hole in its gullet and the rocks and seeds fall out. marybelle was trying to feed him whisky when i left the float warehouse thismorning. should i try to sew it up ?? what do you do with a bird with a hole in it ??? it seems depressed.


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