Plea for Permission? I really don't know...

Oct 23, 2008 15:32

Sooo...see my previous post for...reference? I don't know. Whatever.

Here are my two scientists for the DMSE&R: Lori Starrett and Bill Fallis. (And if you personally know me, please don't start questioning my sanity. Or I will stab you with a spork.)

Lori Starrett at her time of recruitment was twenty-seven. She was originally named Lori Sinclair, but changed her name before joining the PPC. She was also one of the many victims of "girl-gets-dropped-into-Middle-earth" fics, waking up in Mirkwood on her wedding day. Legolas happens to have seen her that morning, and is suspicious of her, taking her to his father to pass judgement. Gandalf is there to "chat" with Gollum, and casts a translation spell on her. Lori, being completely ignorant of LotR Canon yet still motivated to learn about it, starts to learn about Arda (Legolas is her teacher), and tries her best to fit in with the Elves. Throught the War of the Ring, she sits on the sidelines. She dies in the end and is sent back to Earth. No time has passed while she was gone. Now, her story was recorded as a fanfic, and it catches the fancy of four Mary Sues and the PPC. The Mary Sues become insane, while two PPC Agents (Eledhwen and Christianne) decide to recruit Lori.
Back on Earth, Lori majored in Zoology and originally was working as a vetinary nurse. One of her former professors asked her to give one of his lectures once and that was when she discovers that she has a talent for teaching. She met her future husband in college, the two having taken the same courses. Lori is normally a gentle soul, but has a wild side that comes out every blue moon. She is naturally curious and very much the maternal type. Her eyes are blue-green (or rather, it varies based on what colors she is wearing that day) and short auburn hair.

Bill Fallis is a side character heavily referenced to in Lori's story. After all, she is his fiance. He has golden hair (kind of more like that of a golden retriever than the metal) and blue eyes. He, too, majored in Zoology. Normally he is helpful and kind-hearted, and also very protective of his friends and family members. He is very suspectible to getting high on caffiene and sugar, and also just as suspectible to getting drunk. Not just that, but he know exactly what makes people he knows tick, and if he's in a lighthearted mood he will do what they don't want him to do. But nevertheless, his heart's in the right place.
Eledhwen and Christianne recruited him along with Lori after they had killed the Mary Sues reading the story.

So...why these two?
Well, I think we need some kind-hearted people working somewhere in the PPC. Most of HQ's denizens are sarcastic and insane. Besides, they are assigned to an Infrastructure Department, and only venture out to gather samples. They won't be so nice and gentle with Mary Sues, though. Besides, Lori seems to have gotten the evilness inherent in the Staff of OFUS, seeing that she has a talent for teaching.

A typical mission for these two will probably be written in journal format, because these will be Lab Journals. At the end (or beginning) of the journal entries will be a write-up sort of thing. That will summarize up the experiment/mission/project/thing. 

Lab Journal
May 17, 2009 HST
10:30--Glitter congealed slightly in the center of the Petri dish. Does that signify the Sue's constant "Attention Whore" persona and how she likes for the story to serve her?
11:15--Blood and glitter are seperating. Bill says the blood is shunning the Suvian Glitter. The Glitter itself is losing its brilliance. Perhaps the Sue's power is diminishing?

Lab Write-up
Question: What happens to Glitter when it is seperated from the Sue?
Materials: Petri dishes, Sue blood
Background Info:
Blood is a bodily fluid that delivers needed substaces such as oxygen and nutrients to other body cells. It is comprised of blood cells suspended in blood plasma. There are two types of blood cells--red and white. Red blood cells deliver oxygen. White blood cells include leukocytes and platelets.
Blood in human beings is mostly populated by red blood cells, though in Sue blood Glitter is also found. This lends to the Mary Sue's over-sparkly appearance and her "ethereal glow".
Place Sue blood into Petri dish
Observe over several days. Record observations.
Hypothesis: We think that the Glitter will mingle with the blood; the sample came to us with the glitter congealed in areas, so it is reasonable that the Glitter will mix with time.

Results: We discovered that the Glitter congealed in the center and was shunned by the blood. Was this a result of the Sue blood having been taken from its host body and thusly losing its potency?
Procedural Errors: 
1) There are many different types of Sues. This sample was obtained from the species Dea dubiosa, so maybe it has different properties than the blood of Nympha sidhea tolkiena or Puella meretricus pecuniarius?
2) This sample was obtained from the arm. Maybe the blood in other parts of the Suvian body have different properties?
Our hypothesis was wrong. Glitter in Sue blood, if away from the Sue's body from too long, loses its potency. Once its power is gone, the surrounding blood rejects the Glitter.   
So, Lori and Bill are going to be working for the DMSE&R, provided that everything goes right. *cross fingers*

ppc: permission request, ppc: general, ppc: dmse&r, ppc: bill fallis, life: science, ppc: lori starrett

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