Prologue? Or first chapter? Aw, whatever.

Oct 23, 2008 15:11

Okay, world. Meet Lori Sinclair.
She's from one of my fanfics: "What, Mary Sues Can Read?", where she landed in Middle-earth on her wedding day and--no, wait! Put those pitchforks down! She's not going to join the Fellowship! She know nothing of Middle-earth, and the Wood-elves of Mirkwood take her in. Gandalf casts a translation spell that enables her to communicate with them in Westron, and she tries to learn Sindarin and fit in with the Elves. That's just part of the story. The other part is that four Mary Sues are reading her story and go insane from the (hopefully) not-so-Mary-Sueishness of the fic. WMSCR is on somewhat of a hiatus right now, but I already have the end in mind--my PPC Agents come in and kill the Sues, and decide to recruit Lori. Lori Sinclair decides to join the PPC and also change her name to Lori Starrett. Eledhwen and Christianne send her to the Marquis de Sod, and they go off to recruit her fiance Bill Fallis.
That's what's happening right now...

So…Lori Starrett, is it? the Marquis de Sod asked (or seemed to ask. There was something that sounded like a voice, anyways), peering over his desk in order to see the young woman better.

Lori stared back. “You can talk?” she asked.

Of course I can, the Daisy said in reply, Now, are you Lori Starrett?

“Yes, I am,” Lori replied.

Recruited after a name change from Lori Sinclair by Agents Eledhwen and Christianne from the fic A Bittersweet Couple?

“Yes, I am.”

Good. The Daisy took out a pen and a form from a plothole somewhere. Fill these out for me, please.

Lori took the forms and filled them out accordingly. The Marquis de Sod took the forms back and looked through them.

You’re married. Hmm, your Agents are probably recruiting your husband Bill Fallis, then. Let’s see…you majored in Zoology, and originally worked as a vetinary nurse. That’s interesting. It seemed to sound rather bored. But then you decided that teaching was more your thing…met your husband in college…yada yada yada.

Lori stared at the gray floor. If the floor had eyes it would probably be staring back.

Five minutes later, a blue portal appeared and out stumbled a young man with golden hair and blue eyes. Following him were the two PPC Agents that had recruited Lori-Eledhwen Elerossiel and Christianne Shieh. Lori took one look at the man and sprang forward to hug him. “Bill!” she exclaimed.

“Lori!” he gasped. “How did you get here?”

Lori smiled. “I was recruited by the same two Agents.”

Bill laughed. Then his laugh faltered as he saw the Daisy. “Is that…a daisy?” he asked.

“Indeed, it is, Bill Fallis,” Eledhwen answered. “He is the Marquis de Sod, Director of Personnel.”

Nice to meet you, the Daisy said, sounding even more bored. Now, Ms. Starrett, I have decided to assign you to the Department of Mary Sue Experiments and Research.

“I’m coming with her, too,” Bill added firmly.

If the Daisy had eyes it would probably roll them. Whatever. If you’re also one for the DMSE&R, you can be partnered with your wife. That’ll make my job easier. Now, go see Otik Horak in the Postal Department. He’ll give you your keys to your Response Center. Then, report to Helen Gale at the DMSE&R.

“Thank you,” Lori replied, “But where’s the door?”

Christianne opened a portal. “Ah, there it is,” Bill said. “Thank you, sir.”

Whatever, replied the Marquis de Sod, lazily waving a frond in the air.

Sooo...did I do it right? I don't know...

ppc: general, fangirl: fanfiction, ppc: eledhwen elerossiel, ppc: dmse&r, ppc: bill fallis, ppc: christianne shieh, ppc: lori starrett

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