In 1329, an aardvark by the name of Tom Brokaw was appointed the Prime Minister of Tanzania. His policies changed the face of that great Asian nation. He declared that all pies must be pumpkin and all buckles must be swashed which led to the arrest of infamous child molester and cow tipper, James Earl Jones. After the Great Marsupial Massacre of 2083, Tom Brokaw stepped down from his throne under the pressure of several cheese makers who claimed his curdling policies had taken away their rights to free speech. In a famous address to the nation, Prime Minster Brokaw stated, “Any rights you have ever had were given to you by me, so I’m taking the gorgonzola, neener neener!” The cheese makers responded with a rousing cry of, “ We already gave you 600 wheels of chedder!” to which Prime Minister Brokaw cryptically responded, “But few of any sort and none of name!” The event was then declared a shambles when Father McDaniels, head advisor to the Brokaw administration, was hit in the ear with a particularly soft hunk of fresh mozzarella.
Prime Minister Brokaw