How old will you turn in 2015?
I will be at a nifty age of 26.
Whats your mood?
I'm bored. Though... that's hardly a mood.
Are you a social person?
I am a fine mix between social and anti-social. Embrace me.
What is your favorite candy?
Reese's Peanut Butter Cups!
Do you like coffee?
I could have an affair with it if prompted.
What song is in your head?
Various renditions of Be My Guest from The Judy Garland Show. Nothing of the Beauty and the Beast variety.
Do you shut off the water while you brush your teeth?
Fuck no, I don't conserve.
Do you prefer the ocean or pool?
The ocean. Pools have urine and chlorine. Granted, the ocean has urine and hypodermic needes and toxic waste, but at least it's not concentrated!
What is your favorite thing to spend money on?
Make up/hygenic things such as facial washes and such, memorabilia, and clothing.
If given the chance, would you try to take over the world?
Hells nah.
Did you ever buy fake glasses just to look smarter?
I already wear glasses/contacts, honey. "I WEAR BIG, THICK GLASSES!"
Do you own a squirt gun?
I'm sure there's one in the attic or garage from when I was little.
What is a song they need to stop playing on the radio?
"Pop Champagne." I never listen to the radio, but when I was in the car with my cousin over the weekend, I SWEAR to you it was playing the WHOLE time because it was on various stations at different intervals.
Does anyone like you?
Would you ever smile at a stranger?
If a smile was warranted, then yes.
Are you mad at anyone?
Life is too short to be mad. And so am I. (Haha, I made a funny.)
What are you craving?
Nothing at the moment.
Are you anything like you were at this point last year?
I am the same. I'll always be the same.
Have you ever stolen a boy/girl from another person?
That's bad ass.
Have you ever been awake for 48 hours?
I haven't quite made 48 hours, but I've made it to 36 before.
What are you listening to?
What are your initials?
Baseball or football?
Baseball. I don't understand football in the least, and there's nothing worse than a fat man in tight shiny pants.
If you could bring one person back into your life, it would be?
My grandmother.
Do you like the color grey?
Why would I?
Look outside, how's the weather?
It's cold. I don't need to look outside to comprehend that.
Are you jealous of anyone right now?
Do you regret doing something today?
Not at all.
Would you date someone 8 years older than you?
Have you lost contact with someone you wish you didn't?
Do you think you're old?
Not at all.
Are you afraid of the dark?
When is the last time you talked to number 1 on your top friends?
I just texted her. I talked to her on the phone last night.
Do you like pancakes?
They're... eh. Waffles for the win!
Is there a member of the opposite gender on your mind?
Have you told anybody you loved them today?
My Mommom.
Have you ever liked anyone on your top friends?
Not sexuaaally. Hahaha.
Do you have a facebook?
Of course.
How many people do you trust with everything?
Hmmm... 6 or 7.
25 things I like.
1. Laughing.
2. Trying new foods.
3. Laying in bed watching movies on rainy days.
4. Dip n dots or mini melts.
5. Seeing dads alone with their babies in public.
6. Getting new clothes.
7. Finding money in my pants, random pocket in my purse, etc.
8. Having a clean room.
9. Starbucks' caramel apple spice.
10. Photography.
11. Driving alone.
12. Discovering new bands.
13. Going to the zoo, aquarium, etc.
14. Reading a good book.
15. Tattoos.
16. Getting mail.
17. Buying things on sale.
18. A full tank of gas.
19. Psychology, Astrology, & forensics.
20. Flowers.
21. Surprises.
22. Hot showers.
23. Honesty.
24. Comfortable pillows.
25. Inside jokes.
25 things I don't like.
1. Being lied to.
2. Bad parenting.
3. Being hot.
4. Cheaters.
5. People who think they're better than others.
6. Animal cruelty.
7. Animal print clothing.
8. Bad reality television.
9. Doing errands in the rain.
10. Getting dressed in a steamy bathroom.
11. When people don't clean out their brushes.
12. People who carry their newborns in stores.
13. Standing in long lines.
14. People who drive under the speed limit.
15. Feeling rushed.
16. Selfishness.
17. Dusting.
18. Cleaning the bathroom.
19. Feeling dirty.
20. Getting stuck in traffic.
21. Religious extremists who shove beliefs down others' throats.
22. Immaturity.
23. Dress codes.
24. Loud obnoxious people.
25. Tomatoes.
25 random facts about me.
1. I've been pregnant.
2. I've been driving less than a year.
3. I'm starting college soon.
4. I've never had surgery.
5. My favorite color is teal.
6. I've been diagnosed with a mental disorder.
7. My favorite book is A Million Little Pieces by James Frey.
8. My family & I have a great relationship.
9. I'm happily taken.
10. I'm currently on a laptop.
11. I plan to travel the world.
12. I have some jewelry that means a lot to me.
13. I read everyone's away message when I'm on aim.
14. I want a new wallet.
15. I have a tattoo.
16. I know someone who has committed suicide.
17. I know someone currently in jail.
18. I'm not completely satisfied with my body.
19. My siblings are all older than me.
20. I have a large extended family.
21. English is my favorite subject.
22. I don't know what I want to do for a living.
23. I have no desire to be famous.
24. I'm obsessed with hand sanitizer.
25. I could never have enough pajamas.
25 names I like.
1. Aiden.
2. Spencer.
3. Kylan.
4. Brynlee.
5. Kimber.
6. Jocelyn.
7. Nathan.
8. Lily.
9. Allison.
10. Delilah.
11. Dylan.
12. Kennen.
13. Kennedy.
14. Sophie.
15. Eden.
16. Addison.
17. Tristan.
18. Alexis.
19. Jordon.
20. Nicole.
21. Jaelyn.
22. Kailyn.
23. Brooklyn.
24. Noah.
25. Svetlana.
What brings out the worst in you?
Other people who are in bad moods.
What's a fact about the last person who texted you?
Her daughter will be the Liza Minnelli to my Kay Thompson.
What all did you eat today?
Cookies, chips, a ham & cheese sandwich, a pickle, and vegetable soup. Fat ass.
How many friends do you have that don't smoke?
Only Alisha smokes, hahaha.
Doesn't it drive you nuts when people think they 'need' to have a boyfriend/girlfriend?
Do you know anyone that thinks that?
Not anyone I'm actually friends with.
Would you rather go to Canada or Mexico on vacation?
Hmm... it would depend on which part of Mexico. Mexico would be fun if it was a clean, tropical part. Canada would be fun for mountains and moose and whatnot.
What song is currently stuck in your head?
Nothing now.
Do you swear to tell the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth?
So help me, Judy.
Where were you last night?
My house.
What is today's date?
January 27, 2009.
Anyone crushing on you?
What is your relationship status?
Single as a Pringle. Too bad there are like... 10,000 Pringles lying on top of each other in each container.
Has anyone ever sang to you?
Not in any sort of meaningful way.
First person to text today?
What color are your eyes?
Do you like funny people or serious people?
Funny! Serious people are the hellacious.
Who makes you happiest right now?
My family and friends and Judy, ahahaha.
What were you doing at midnight last night?
Texting and making cookies.
Can you think of any sarcastic comment off the top of your head right now?
That would mean I'd have to think, wouldn't it? (Oh hell, that was mildly sarcastic.)
So, if you were to get married (whether you have plans to actually get married or not doesn't matter here); where would you want to get married at?
On the beach!
Some people were really destructive as a child, were you?
Only mildly destructive.
If you were a hippie for a day, what would you do?
I would wear awesome clothes and fuck a bunch of guys and smoke a lot of weed and it would be glorious.
Many people call themselves artistic, what about you?
I'm not that big of an ass to consider myself artistic.
Are you a morning person or a night person?
Night, by FAR.
Would you move to another state or country to be with the one you love?
If it felt right, yes. But I doubt such a thing will happen.
What did the last text message you sent say?
"Yup can't wait til Thursday" [30 Rock!]
Honestly, what's on your mind right now?
My mind is void of any thoughts whatsoever.
What are your plans for the weekend?
Going to Virginia Friday morning through Sunday might to visit my sister. Friday, I'll be arriving in DC, dropping my stuff off at the National Archives because I can't stay there with my sister while she works, and then walking around the city by myself (I hope I don't die...), so I'll probably go to some boring-ass museums and shop and go to Arlington Cemetery. And we're going to get lunch in Chinatown and catch a movie that night. Ummm... we're also going to watch stupid movies and make Amy Sedaris recipes and go to Alexandria to visit my favorite psychotic antique dealer. I'm not sure what else will commence.
What is something you just don’t understand?
Did you have a good day?
It was amazingly relaxing.
If you were paid 1 million dollars to spend the night in a supposed haunted house, would you do it?
You bet your sweet ass I would!
Whats the biggest thing you want?
A car.
Do you think someone is talking smack about you behind your back?
Probably. Hahaha.
What's your normal bedtime?
Would you live with someone without marrying them?
My hands are cold but the rest of me is warm.
I am not currently listening to any music.
I have kissed someone this week.
I have kissed more than one person this week.
I am already fully ready for the day.
I have yet to get my shower today.
My hair is is a mess.
My cell phone has a cover.
My cell phone is currently set on silent.
I record my own ringtones.
I want to get married one day.
I have already thought a lot about my own wedding.
I know what I would want to name my children already.
I do not want any children.
I have plans to hang out with someone today.
I have a necklace on right now.
I have worn slippers on my feet before.
My nails are painted.
My blinds/curtains are shut/closed in my bedroom.
The heat is turned on in the house.
I did not eat breakfast today.
I had a glass of orange juice today.
I plan on seeing a movie this weekend.
My favorite color is a shade of yellow or orange.
My bedroom is so messy you can barely see the carpet/floor.
I consider myself an extremely organized person.
I have bitched someone out recently.
I use Yahoo instant messenger.
I like oldies music.
I have watched the show Desperate Housewives before.
I like Eva Longoria.
I like Tom Cruise.
I have seen a great movie in the past week.
The Dark Knight is one of my favorite movies.
I would rather go to the drive-in than the movie theater.
I wish it was snowing out right now. And it is snowing right now! :D
I light candles a lot.
I am addicted to MySpace or Facebook.
The speakers on my computer are about to blow.
I have an iPod Touch.
The TV I have is not a flatscreen.
I have like no new clothes.
I have things from Christmas I still never wore yet.
I plan on having a Super Bowl party.
I plan on attending a Super Bowl party.
I love the taste of beer.
Smirnoff is one of my favorite drinks.
I can get a little crazy at parties.
I love when I get mail.
I have been accepted into college.
I love the song "Ice Ice Baby".
I dance a lot daily.
I love country music.
I have money on my iTunes account.
I buy a lot of things that I never wear.
I don't like buying new shoes.
I hate long lines.
I consider myself to be a patient person.
When I want something, I don't give up.
I feel like I have bad luck.
I have been in a car accident before.
I have cheated on somebody before.
I don't see what the big deal about cheating is if it's not a serious relationship.
I am currently dating somebody.
I am a huge supporter of gay marriage.
I am pro-life.
I did not want John McCain to be elected President.
I perform better in school than most people I know.
I try very hard in school.
I don't mind getting homework.
I actually like testing days because you never get any homework.
I skip so much school it's not even funny.
Pink is one of my favorite colors.
I hate when people are petrified of getting dirty.
I hate when girls whine and shriek at the sight of a bug, calm down.
I hate when guys try to act all tough and hard when they clearly are not.
I find it strange to see 7 year olds with cell phones.
...And 7 year old guys wearing their pants down to their ankles.
I remember the fad where people wore ribbons around their necks.
...People actually did that? Ew.
I have a feeling that today is going to be a good day.
I have contact lenses in right now.
I am still sitting in my pajamas.
I am laying in bed on my laptop.
I plan on going on vacation in the next month.
I would love to visit Europe one day.
I am so tired I could go back to sleep.
My parents aren't home right now.
When I want something, I go to my dad to suck-up.
My sibling/s try to get me in trouble often.
I am the baby of the family.
Both of my parents work.
My mom used to be a homemaker.
When I think of homemaker, I think of Bree from Desperate Housewives.
I have been on a school field trip recently.
I went out to eat last night.
I ate steak sometime this week.
I upload too many pictures to my computer for my own good.
I put some sort of lotion on today.
I slept in later than I should have.
I am wearing socks right now.
I wear glasses on a daily basis.
My hair is blonde or I have dyed it blonde before.
I have had some sort of highlights/streaks in my hair.
I have gone to the same hair stylist my whole life.
I am on Xanga at least two hours a day.
I like taking surveys compared to making them.
One of my eyes is currently watering.
I have short sleeves on.
I have shorts on.
There is change on my desk.
I always have a pen on my desk.
I am not even sitting at a desk.
My bed is the comfiest place in the world to me.
I wrap myself up in my covers.
I would probably be a complete cover hog.
I hate going to sleep.
I am a total morning person.
I feel like my day is ruined if I sleep it away.
I love going to sleepovers.
My nails are pretty long.
I have chipped nail polish right now.
I consider myself to be tan.
I am Italian.
I am Irish.
I am Serbian.
I am Polish.
I am Croatian.
I am Australian.
I am English.
I speak more than one language fluently.
I have been out of my own country before.
I am terrified to go on an airplane.
I do not like heights at all.
I plan on going to the mall today.
I hate shopping for long periods of time.
I am craving something from McDonald's.
I am not a fast food kind of person.
I have some sort of health class in school.
I love drinking Gatorade/Powerade.
My favorite flavor in those sorts of drink is watermelon.
I love the summer because of all of the fresh fruits.
My family often has cookouts.
I love hot dogs.
I prefer cheeseburgers to hamburgers.
I know how to operate the grill.
I am clueless when it comes to cooking anything.
I don't even know how to use a can opener.
I am sick right now.
I have a bad cold.
My closet mainly has dark colored clothes.
I only tend to wear my favorite things.
I prefer sweatpants to jeans.
I find jeans to be really uncomfortable.
My closet is very organized.
I have my clothes thrown everywhere in my room.
I wish I was in a relationship right now.
I have someone in my mind that I wouldn't mind dating.
My parents don't like my boyfriend/girlfriend.
I don't care what my family thinks of him/her.
I think I am going to move out this summer.
I feel like I am way more mature than most people my age.
College parties aren't all they're cracked up to be.
I have had way too much to drink before.
...And I made a complete fool of myself.
I have drunk dialed someone.
I have been drunk dialed.
I have a lot of money on me at the moment.
I currently have the TV on in the background.
I'm IMing a few people.
I am addicted to good quotes.
I watch a lot of TV.
I update my MySpace/Facebook daily.
Someone else has my account password.
I watched the season premiere of LOST.
I never really got into that TV show.
I don't mind blood/gore movies.
I like movies with a lot of romance.
The dishwasher is currently running in my house.
My driveway is really long.
There is snow on the ground right now.
Yesterday it was really warm outside.
I did not go to school yesterday.
I have been to Wal-Mart in the past week.
I don't like shopping at Wal-Mart.
I hate dealing with crowds.
I have a trash can in my room.
It's not even close to being full.
I am starving.
I have had a lot of food to eat today.
I plan on getting a shower when I am done taking this.
I feel like I'm a lazy person.
I've had a pretty serious disagreement with someone lately.
I have kissed the same person more than 5 times this week.
My parents would freak if they knew they things I am doing with someone.
I don't want to have a boyfriend/girlfriend.
I plan on attending prom this year.
I don't like to go to dances.
I took a picture of myself today.
I don't have a picture with the person I'm interested in.
The Ultimate Girly Survey
xX. First Things First .Xx
You are a girl, right?: Obviously.
So what's your name, then?: Emily
And you're how old?: 19
Where do you live?: Delaware
Are you seeing someone, or are you available?: Available
xX. So, Tell Me About Yourself .Xx
How tall are you?: 5'3"
What do you weigh, if you don't mind my asking?: I mind you asking, sweetheart.
What would you consider your body type to be?: Ew.
What size do you wear?: None of your business.
What size are your feet?: 9
How long is your hair?: Long
And what color is it?: Red
Is it natural, or dyed?: Dyed
Is it straight, curly, wavy, or something else altogether?: Straight
And is it naturally that way, or made to do so?: It's naturally straight, but I straighten it so that it is moreso
What color are your eyes?: Green
If you chould change their color, what would they be?: They're fine the way they are.
Do you have freckles?: Many.
If you do, do you wish you didn't / If you don't, so you wish you did?: I don't care.
Do you wear glasses or contacts, or have you ever?: Both. Contacts everyyyday.
Do you, or have you ever had braces?: I have them. Ugh.
xX. Getting Yourself Together .Xx
How long does it take you to shower?: Like 10-15 minutes.
How long does it take you to pick an outfit and get dressed?: Like... a minute. Hahahaha.
Do you tend to co-ordinate your outfits carefully, or throw on whatever?: Color co-ordinate as much as I can, although matching TOO well is gross.
Matchy-matchy shoes and bags, or no?: Shoes and bags should be of a similar hue, or should complement each other.
xX. Get Your Game Face On .Xx
Do you wear foundation?: Yes
Do you wear bronzer?: A little bit, I'd look ridiculous with the normal amount one wears.
How about blush?: Yes
Do you prefer lipstick, lipgloss, or both?: Lipgloss. Lipstick bothers me.
Do you wear eyeshadow, typically?: Yes
What colors do you most often wear?: Neutral colors like cream and light brown, unless I'm getting dressed up... then I'll wear darker colors.
Do you wear eyeliner?: Yes
Basic black, or other colors?: I wear brown.
How about mascara?: Yesss. Max Factor 2000 Calorie for the win.
Do you curl your eyelashes as well, or no?: They're curly enough. Sometimes I use an eyelash curler, but it makes no difference whatsoever.
How many coats of mascara do you usually apply?: As many as it takes for them to satisfy my liking.
Which make-up brands are your personal favorites?: Max Factor, Almay, L'Oreal, and Maybelline.
And in total, how long does all this usually take?: Like 5 minutes.
xX. Hairy Situation .Xx
Do you wash your hair daily?: Yes
Do you condition daily?: Yes
Do you use a leave-in conditioner?: Yes
What brand of shampoo do you use?: Right now I'm using Ulta shampoo. I usually use whatever's sitting around.
How about your conditioner and/or leave-in?: My conditioner is Charles Worthington, and my leave-in is VO5.
Do you tend to use specialty products?: A few.
What kinds? (Volumizing, Frizz-Minimizing, etc.): Garnier Anti-Humidity Smoothing Milk is what I use everyday.
Do you blow dry your hair regularly, or just air dry it?: Either/or. Once I straighten it, there isn't a difference in whether it was blow dried or air dried
Do you straighten it daily?: Yes
Do you ever curl it, or style it in any other way?: My hair won't hold curl :(
Do you, or have you ever dyed or highlighted your hair?: Both
From a bottle, or do you frequent the salon for that?: From the bottle
Do you have a lot of split ends?: My God, yes. I haven't had my hair cut since October.
Do you cut your hair regularly to avoid split ends?: Not as regularly as I should!
How long does it take you to get your hair done on a regular day?: 5 minutes if I just have to straighten it, 15 if I blow dry and straighten.
xX. Otherwise... .Xx
Do you take good care of your nails?: I don't have much nail to take care of, but I try to
Do you chew your nails at all?: I'm getting better at that.
Do you frequently wear nail polish?: I only really pay attention to that in the summer
Do you get manicures, or acrylics at all?: It's pointless on my nails
Do you get pedicures?: I've had one once... way too much money for something I could have done myself. But it felt and looked grand.
What nail polish brand is your favorite?: OPI
What nail polish colors do you most wear?: Various shades of red
Glitter - yes or no?: Nottt so much, no.
Do you wear perfume?: Yesss
Do you have coordinating perfume-lotion-bodywash-etc. combos?: I really hate perfume-scented body wash, but I have perfume and lotion combos
What perfume do you wear?: CK Obsession, With Love... by Hillary Duff, Marc by Marc Jacobs, Daisy by Marc Jacobs, My Voyage by Nautica, Paris Hilton by Paris Hilton, Cast A Spell by Lulu Guinness, Beckham For Her, White Linen by Estee Lauder, White Shoulders by Elizabeth Arden, VS Love Spell, PINK Fruity & Bright, PINK Sweet & Tart, and various body sprays & lotion.
Do you have many perfumes, or just one regular one?: Many, as you can see above.
If you have many, what are they?: I already answered this...
xX. Fashion .Xx
Are you a fan of high fashion?: I am.
What designer label/brand name is your favorite?: I love Marc Jacobs and Chanel.
Do you often wear designer labels?: Can I AFFORD designer labels?
Do you own a designer bag?: I wisssh.
How about designer shades?: Ralph Lauren sunglasses were as high fashion as I could get, hahaha.
Do you think designer labels are for pretentious wannabes?: Nooo.
If you had to 'label' your sense of style, what would it be?: It changes with my mood. I'm a fan of structured boho chic, however. And vintage.
Do you like wearing skirts and dresses?: If only I looked better in them...
Do you wear track pants with things written across the bum?: I have Hollister sweats and American Eagle sweats like that, but they are HARDLY track pants.
Shirts or shorts in the summer?: Both
Jeans, or other pants?: Jeans
Do you prefer heels or flats?: Flats
Do you wear sneakers, or fancy shoes regularly?: I wouldn't say fancy shoes... but NEVER sneakers
Do you ever wear a hat?: No
What color(s) do you gravitate towards most?: Green, turquoise, and royal blue.
Do you consider yourself to be trendy?: Eh, if I was skinnier and had more money, I would be.
What is your favorite trend at the moment?: Scarves and huge bags!
Do you wear cute socks, or just basic black/white ones?: Basic white socks
How do you feel about toe socks?: EW.
Fishnet stockings, tacky or fabulous?: Tacky
Do you even say 'fabulous'?: All the time.
xX. The Opposite Sex .Xx
Do you prefer guys to be older or younger?: A little older, or the same age
By how many years?: No more than 5.
What style do you like in a guy?: Casual... I like beachy, preppiness.
Do you like guys refined, or a bit rough around the edges?: Refined with only MINIMAL roughness.
What eye colors do you most prefer in a guy?: Bluuue
How about their hair color? Any preference?: Blonde
Do you really believe the big-feet big-junk thing?: It isn't always truuue :)
Does a guy's looks mean a lot to you?: Yes. Sorry.
How about their personality?: Even more than looks.
Would you date a not-so-good-looking guy who was a sweetie?: I mean, he doesn't have to be gorgeous, but I can't spend my life sucking face with a man who resembles something that plays Dungeons & Dragons.
How about a hottie that was kind of a jerk?: Nooo.
What is an absolute deal-breaker when it comes to guys?: BAD HYGEINE.
Do you have any personal fetishes when it comes to guys?: Fetishes freak me the fuck out.
What do you notice first in a guy?: Hair and smile.
If a guy leaves the toilet seat up, are you bothered?: If he can't put the seat down, he's careless
Should a guy open doors and pull out chairs for a girl?: I don't care, but it's a nice gesture
Is it important that a guy is good with children?: If he's good with children, he's good with most things, so yes.
Do you prefer long-term, or one-night kinda things?: Long-term
A proper date, or just 'hanging out'?: Either/or
Do you enjoy double dating?: I would only double date if both guys and girls were comfortable with each other.
Do you date more than one guy at a time?: I mean, if it's just dating and nothing serious... that's alright. I don't do it, because... I don't date anyone. Hahahaha.
xX. Go Towards The Light .Xx
We're finished! Was it good for you too?: Did we just have sex? "Was it good for you?" What the H?
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Bzoink And as they say on JudyCast, "give my love to... no one, g'bye." [ilu ♥cara♥]