Fic Recs & Mix: Popslash, Smallville, Supernatural

May 24, 2007 08:05


Seven-oh-three (three-oh) by Augustan (
augustan )
JC knows that there is something special about today.

Twelve Packages by Shine (sorry, no author link - if anyone knows it, let me know)
Warning: Nsync/BSB crossover

The first package came just a few days after he checked in, right when he was finishing with the shakes and the sweating and the mad nervous paranoid feeling that something was about to fall on his head. He hadn't eaten, hadn't slept, and felt like nothing in the world could be worse than the hell he was living right now.

He was working on his fourth cigarette of the day when the morning nurse brought it in on the breakfast tray; the brown paper carefully cut open and taped back together. He eyed it for a minute, ignoring the toast and coffee steaming gently beside it, and then stubbed his cigarette out and picked it up.

It contained socks. They had kittens on them.


Just Pie by Livia (
liviapenn )
Warning: AU, not!hookerfic
Its really about the pie. A fandom without tons of hookerfic is like a day without orange juice. Also: Clark is not a pimp. Really, he's not.


The Amazing Incredible Adventures of Freakboy and Dykegirl by Stele3 (
stele3 )
Dean, OFC
Warning: Gen, Futurefic, Outside POV, Lesbians
So, I read this for the first time last night - all twenty seven chapters of it and. Wow. What this fandom really needs, I think, is more crazy badass lesbians. And nice long, plotty, stories. A few notes (factual and political, not authorial): If you are from Arizona, be prepared to suspend disbelief over the weather in Phoenix (you'll know what I mean when you get there). Also, politics aren't huge in this story, but what there is I don't agree with, necessarily, and because everything is political in my life, I figure its better to warn for it than not. Then again, it is one throwaway line, and maybe in other parts of the country the minutemen aren't so horrible as they are here. I may be overly sensitive. Eh. Basically, though, READ THIS. Thank you.
Also, because I like to encourage all lesbionic activities, I've made a mix to commemorate this rec:

The Crazy Fucking Dyke Drive-by Mix

Best Cock on the Block - Bitch and Animal
...its eternally hard.

Cute For a Girl - Alix Olson
But - I got small hands, I said
They never go limp when I fuck
I got girl-parts myself -
so I know where's good to suck

Feminist Housewives - Bitch and Animal
All you housewives can be
Famous feminsts, just like me

I Wanna Know What Love Is - Julie Ruin

they'll keep you scared so you have to have a boyfriend
and take your kids away if you're a la la lesbian
arrest you for whoring then rape you in the car
it's time we point the finger at who the real criminals are

Send Me You - The Butchies

'Cause this is going somewhere - Feels like forever
Can I bite your hands - your neck, alright?

ETA: In your opinion, is placing recs under a cut a good idea or no?

ETS 2: Please let me know if you download.  Thanks!

crossover, fandom: popslash, specification: gen, fandom: supernatural, smallville: clark/lex, recs, popslash: jc/chris, fandom: smallville, popslash: justin/aj

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