Strangely enough, it was the short songs in Wicked: Die Hexen von Oz that were hardest to decipher. This is the first one I had really big problems with and, indeed, it wasn't until recently that I finally found a dictionary that had "geheuer" as a word in and of itself, and not just the negative phrase, "nicht geheuer." (Automatic translators oh-so-helpfully gave me, "Nothing is more geheuer." Thanks.) Not long ago, the best I could do with this title was "Everything Is Dubious Anymore." The way it is now makes a lot more sense.
Nichts ist mehr geheuer
(Nothing Is Safe Anymore)
Click to view
I couldn't find a video of this one actually being performed. This is from the soundtrack, and the people in the picture at least are from the original Stuttgart cast.
Ach, Fräulein Elphaba - was einem heutzutage alles zu Ohren kommt. Schreckliches ...
Oh, Miss Elphaba-everything that comes to one’s ears nowadays. Terrible things…
In Quox lehrt ein Stier,
A bull teaches in Quox,
Ein Kollege von mir.
A colleague of mine.
Dem hat man sein Amt aberkannt
He was deprived of his position
Und sein Redevermögen verschwand.
And his ability to speak disappeared!
Einem Kauz, der als Vikar
A screech owl, who as a vicar
Von Manschkinstein sehr tüchtig war,
Of Munchkin Rock was very capable,
Hört keiner mehr zu.
No one listens to him anymore.
Er sagt nur noch hu-hu.
He only says “hoo-hoo!”
Nur Gerüchte - und doch -
Only rumors-and yet-
Für jeden brisant,
Explosive for everyone
Der je auf Pfoten stand.
Who stands on paws.
Nichts ist mehr geheuer hier im Land
Nothing is safe anymore in this land. (2)
(1) I'm not sure why the spelling of German Dr. Dillamond's name is changed, especially since it's pronounced pretty much the same either way. The only word I can get out of it is that "Mond" means "moon." But why couldn't he just be Dr. Dillamoon then?
(2) Technically, "Land" would probably be more correct as "country." But, you know, "The Land of Oz..."
Nichts ist mehr geheuer hier im Land?
Nothing is safe anymore in this land?
Hinter dem Alltag
Behind the everyday life
Lauert Gefahr,
Danger lies in wait,
Nichts ist me-meh-mäh-mäh-mäh
Nothing is anymaaaaaah!
Verzeihung! mehr ...
Sorry! More…
Dr. Dillamonth - wenn etwas gegen die Tiere im Gange ist, muss der Zauberer davon erfahren! Dafür haben wir einen Zauberer.
Dr. Dillamond, if something is afoot against the Animals, the Wizard must hear about it! That’s why we have a Wizard.
Was es auch wär ...
Whatever it might be…
Hoffentlich haben Sie Recht.
Hopefully you’re right.
Fürchten wir's auch sehr ...
However much we fear it…
Es passiert nicht me-meh-mäh-mäh-mäh
It won’t happen anymaaaaaaah!
Verzeihung! Mehr.
Sorry! More.
So was passiert nicht hier in Oz.
Something like that doesn’t happen here in Oz.
This journal is owed four belated Merlin reviews starting this weekend.