Happy Three King day to one and all!! I wonder what other parts of the world this holiday is celebrated in...is it just a Puertorrican excuse to extend Christmas to the date where the Three Kings got to the manger. Herm...
capitu ...is this a latin thing?
In other news, I got a couple of cool things for Christmas. Among them a digital camera and a shake weight. But the better gifts were things I got for myself. First off I start the year off as a regular employee, I got a tenure of sorts, w00t!! And a .50 raise, also, my company will now pay my phone bill which is all kinds of awesome. LOL It also means that as off March I have medical insurance again, thank heavens! And that I get a discount on a new phone. I am buying
this baby.
The holidays have been so hectic, but a good kind of hectic. Parties, friends, family, food...so very very very much food. I've enjoyed it immensely and I hope the good streak continues!
But what I love the mostest is a puppy I got!! It's a chocolate brown dachshund with lighter brown coloured paws and the most beautifullest eyes ever! Her name's Delilah and she's a little monster, but she's also a good cuddler.
Guys, I need to see Avatar in 3D. I've seen it already, but 3D!! I think it will be a wholly different experience.
I am also tons of sleepy so I shall write a proper post another day. Night lords and ladies of LJ!!