Reflections during "Admins Week"

Apr 25, 2006 13:55

I am sitting at my desk staring at the little rose bouquet we each received this afternoon from our general manager to express his "heartfelt" thanks on a job well done and I started to think back...
When I moved to Houston at the end of 2001, I was in a situation where I didn't need to rush into finding a new job right away so I took some time and decided to trade in my high-paid, on-call 24/7, laptop-carrying career for a low stress,easy yet still mildly challenging, tiny salary, but look I can live a life outside of work kind of job. I just didn't plan on starting to take things so seriously. I should have known myself better then that.
The first couple of years went by just fine. I worked my little job, unplugged at the end of the day (ON TIME EVERYDAY) and went home to my life. Now I am working all the time for a boss who admits he has wicked bad OCD (did I mention he also lives right next door to me?), never leaving on time, allowing myself to get all wrapped up in stupid office politics and actually feeling like I give a rat's ass about this place.

I know exactly what the trouble is...I am a complete corporate whore...I can't say no to work...and I must do it quickly and perfectly. It's a sickness...really it is!
I need to get the hell out the machinery...but, what's a 36 year old work-a-holic to do? As of today there are no ads on for my dream job, Pirate Queen...So I guess it's corporate whoredom for a while longer...there are a lot of worse things in life so who am I to complain anyway? I just need to get back into the frame of mind where I felt like I was working a pretend job and really viewed it as a simple means to an end.

Ok...back to your lives....thanks for playing!
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