May 25, 2010 23:20
I haven't updated this in ages, have I? Might as well remedy that now.
What's run down since mid-February:
1) My aunt has moved in with my mother and me, instead of just staying with us until she recuperated from open-heart surgery. She's STILL recuperating some, since a big metal plate in the chest and screws in the collarbone and shit is kind of tough when you're a wildly-uncontrolled diabetic. She did quit smoking though, thank GOD.
2) Raising eight puppies to an age to be given to new homes is HARD. Very hard. Very rewarding, don't get me wrong- I love the little buggers and we're keeping two of them. But eight of them running wild pooping and peeing and chewing up shoes and being weaned and one getting deathly ill (had to hand-feed him for a week, he's fine now, but it was a close call) and their mother nearly dying from mastitis and calcium deficiency (despite the calcium supplements).... yeah.
3) My aunt's been in the hospital, my mother's been in the hospital... lots of doctors visits. LOTS of them.
4) And what made me drop out of Amat- two weeks ago my uncle had a MASSIVE stroke that destroyed the right side of his brain. He's got a huge blockage in his carotid artery that they can't remove, two more blood clots in his left arm, and some suspicious masses in his chest that appear to be late-stage lymphoma. They had to remove a large chunk of his skull on the right side to allow his brain to swell, and he's being kept mostly comatose to keep him from moving around and hurting himself. It'll be months before he gets out of this hospital, and then it'll be to a rehab hospital for a while longer.
Assuming, of course, that the cancer or an infection or a blood clot or something else doesn't kill him first.
Right now my life is like this- either I stay home alone with the dogs (five of them) and keep the house straight, job hunt, and play phone operator for all the people and such calling through... or I go to the hospital for about ten hours and wait there and hope to see a doctor. Either way, there's a lot of family infighting and stupidity and I'm just exhausted.
And I'm planning to jobhunt in California mid-June. So I gotta prep for that.
... I swear, one day I'll post some puppy pics or something to make it up to people, but right now I am just wiped out. x_x