Title: Destiny Calling (Part 5 of His Universe series)
Author: Lilac Summers (lilsum4)
Fandom: Doctor Who
Pairing: Eleven/Donna
Rating: G
A/N: Donna is left behind, again. We learn how the metacrisis was fixed. Sequel to
Part 4: Sparkling Personality, from His Universe series. Will this make sense if you haven't read the others? Probably not! Here
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I felt like I should have added a little warning or author's note to this chapter for River fans. I love River as a character, but my ship will always be Donna/Doctor. However, I HATE it when my fave character "helps" the Doctor get together with my non-ship. (Like all those "Donna helps the Doctor find his true love Rose!") stories. HATE THEM. So I felt like adding a little "Oh my gosh, if you ship River/Doctor then I'm so sorry, this will make you angry," but then I didn't. I'm a bad person!
Originally this story was going to be a little stand-alone from Amy's point of view (the first chapter), but once I started thinking about it, those very things that you mentioned started niggling at me. How *would* Donna react to Eleven? Eleven is indeed so different than Ten, and whereas she and Ten meshed very well, what if she and Eleven didn't? What do you do when the person you thought you knew best isn't that person anymore. Or maybe they are, but it's just hidden deep deep down. I personally stopped watching Doctor Who about 2 seasons after Eleven started -- I couldn't handle the change. Although I thought he was doing a great job, I couldn't see the Doctor *I* loved in there anymore (*cough*Ten*cough*). I think that was a very purposeful decision by Moffat, who wanted to differentiate his run from the previous executive producer.
Well, whatever the case -- if I couldn't make the change, could Donna? She probably would have forgiven Ten faster than she can forgive Eleven, I think. Who knows...we'll find out together!
I just started Season 8, and I totally understand what you mean about the different eras. Given the choice, Moffat sacrifices character development for his plot twists and complicated storylines (um, am I going to get things thrown at me for saying that? lol). I felt like that was the reason that I didn't really connect to Amy or Rory until the very end of their run. As of now, DW has really become one of those whimsical shows that I watch but don't really get too emotionally invested in, which is a bit of a shame. I'm the kind of person who likes falling in love with characters and obsessing over them long after the show's over. :P
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