Nov 25, 2003 17:18
Well, there isn't really much to post about...actually, there is a lot I could post about, but I'm not. It's as simple as that. I'm sitting here, freezing my ass off. It's sooooooo cold. So, we had a bit of drama in the chat last all I'm gonna say. Broke me down again...I was crying...and...Summer and DJ helped me soooo much yesterday, in more ways than one. I mean, I owe them everything right now. They were both so there for me yesterday, moreso than anyone here. I don't know, my life is umm...complicated. Yeah, that's the word I'll use, like right now, I'm so confused in life, and yeah it sucks. Today...I went to school feeling like shit, not only cuz of life, but the other lil female problem ya know...n yeah. Chris kept asking me what was wrong this morning, and I wouldn't answer him, I just dont feel like puttin my problems on everyone else ya know. It gets old, i'm sure. But yeah, I finally got ahole of mom, and left right around 2. I just feel like shit, all the stress and everything. I'm not going into it in detail, but yeah. I layed around for awhile, watched TV, did the dishes...n now I'm here online. It's fucking freezing in my house..and I only have to go to school til around 12 tomorrow, which is awesome for me. I needa find out what time I get out, so I can tell dad. Chris gave me Bawls today. I didn't drink it tho, cuz I had caffeine and I was hyper as hell in Study hall so I figured it would probably be betta not to drink it. I probably will tomorrow morning. But yeah, haven't talked to Nick since umm....Sunday? I think...yeah Sunday. I wanna talk to him, but life is life. I got some advice on that whole situation, and I'm gonna go with it, since I've pretty much got no other options. Talked to Summer a lot about that too, and yeah. I was just so afraid the whole him liking me thing wasn't true, it's just how I am...but she assured me there is no reason to think that. So it makes me feel better about it. Anyways...I have to print some stuff, and search the school website, see if I can't figure out what time I get out tomorrow. I'll post if anything good happens! Peace!