Oct 16, 2009 09:39
I haven't posted on here for a long time.
So I made the appointment for Scotland's lab work. I can't remember if I posted about this or not, but the doc is now quite alarmed about his size. Up until now there's been the hope that he would catch up with other kids his age. But since he'll be 5 in december and he's still the size of the average two year old, things are starting to look not-so-good for the "he'll catch up" idea. So on the 22nd we have another checkup with Dr. Liu so that Tom can ask a bunch of questions, and then we take him over to the lab for a massive blood draw. They're going to check his thyroid to make sure he doesn't have hyper-thyroidism or something, and they're going to check him for some sort of syndrome that causes the body to not be able to absorb vitamin D. They're also going to run a nut allergy panel since Ireland is so allergic and they come from the exact same gene pool. If this round of testing doesn't show anything, I have a feeling Dr. Liu will be sending us to a specialist.
The lucky thing is that, while he's freakishly small, at least he's developing like a normal kid. His speech, his motor skills, all of that is good. He just can't seem to gain weight. Poor guy is having a hell of a time keeping himself warm now that the weather has turned too.
Other than that, all is well. As well as it can be when we're horribly stressed over the idea of something being wrong with our baby, I guess.