Yay! I'm so glad. My friends Steve and Arnold are gonna be able to make it to twon this weekend for my big annual Turkey Brunch With The Guys. I'm make a ToFu Turkey Scrambler and Mimosas. Too bad Sex in the City isn't on any more. We always had fun dishing over what our girls are up to. I Love sSamantha. I read some fan sites the other day saying that she might be getting her own spin-off. HOLLA! I awlways thought she should have her own show anyways. That sort of thing always makes me think that I should have stuck with my dreams and moved to Hollywood to make it as a actor/writer. I probably would have too if Roger (oophf! don't get me started about HIM) didn't talk me into moving down to Macon with him to help pay for his medical school. I worked for 5 years supporting his lazy ass and he dumps me! Oh well, I'm NOT gonna cry about THAT anymore. It will be good to see all my old buds and I hear things are gonna be off THE CHAIN over at the Honey Pot this weekend. Hey,
shishcubbottom are you bringing Roderick? Is he still going to bring the cherry cobbler and sweet potatos? We need some damn yams, HOLLA!