Another Dream: Gravel (...and other news)

Aug 19, 2012 22:52

I was in a museum, or maybe a church. There was a large group of people facing away from me as I peered through a big rectangular window. As I watched, everyone started to slowly turn around and I realised they were actually all made from wax. Their faces were still but in very serious and slightly angry expressions... this was creepy...

The next thing I remember is running in bare feet down a path that ran in between two sunny fields with short trees (possibly farmland). I was wearing a light flowy dress and had a vivid feeling of the gravel beneath my feet. There were even certain sharp bits that hurt my feet.

I sat down to rest on a bench overlooking one of the fields and dozed there for what felt like a long time.


Then I woke up very calm.

This is actually a pretty old dream. I had it near the end of uni. No idea about what my brain could be getting at O.o

Anyway, other news!

I had my first piercing(s) done today :) that was interesting... for me...
Yeah, sooo I'm 23 and have only just had my ears pierced. It's weird. I even went to Claire's accessories and had a couple of friends there to hold my hand...s.
I'm pretty sure the girl who did it was younger than me and when it was over she gave me a sticker and a lollypop for being brave ^_^ I had the full 14 year old experience as it was supposed to be! I chose li'l Yin Yang symbols as my first earrings. They're pretty nice I think but the main reason I chose to have it done is for this beautiful flowery swirly earring I found in Camden for 4mm flesh holes.. so will be building up to that!

I'm glad I've finally done it :D even though never having them was apparently one of my "things" it's just interesting to add a new feature(?) to myself. I figured, why the hell not?

Ok further updates... I went to Ecuador. To the Amazon. It was awesome. It was warm. It was hard work. I made friends. I dug holes in the ground. I laid bricks. I gave bread to a monkey. I played football with adorable kids. I went on a 6 hour hike. I learnt some Spanish and some Latin American dancing. I went white water rafting.
Good stuff.

I also went to Italy with Ji last week and it was literally like stepping into an oven. I have convinced her to take a holiday earlier next year.


So yes, that's what I've done. Doesn't really cover mindset or anything like that though.

I'm fine. I think.
As well as my stupidly random dreams I have also had a couple where Martin has shown up. I think it was brought on by spotting him on the same train station platform as me the other week. It was the first time I'd seen him since everything three years ago so it threw me off a bit.
Anyway, he showed up in my dreams, he told me he was sorry and that he wanted to make things better, I was angry then happy, then I woke up. That was irritating. I guess all that will always get to me a little. But I've settled on the decision that considering how thoughtless he was being, it wasn't very good for me and so it probably was for the best. Which sucks.

Ummmm.... Things have feel pretty slow now that uni's finished I guess. I got a 2:1 ^_^ was very happy about that. Also had a really nice graduation that both my parents made it to.
I think because I don't have an exact plan for myself, I just treat each day as it comes so I'm finding it difficult to look any further than tomorrow!

That's all I can think of for now.
All's well :)

Peace, love and moving on xxx
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