Jul 12, 2005 23:42
101 questions about YOU!
So what’s your name? Jackie
Do you like your name? I guess
What sports do you like? Softball because I used to play
What kind of music do you like? All kinds
Give me 3 singers/bands you like? Start trouble, sugarcult, babybash<3 hah
If you just met someone, will you be shy or outgoing? Most likely shy depending on the person
What is the dumbest thing you did? I’ve done a lot of dumb stuff
Favorite amusement park: 6 flags
Rollercoaster or kiddy rides? Both.. but I like the kiddy rollercoasters a lot
What’s your favorite sport? I don’t really have one I guess
Do you like the house you live in? Yeah its alright
Do you believe in karma? sure
How tall are you? Like 5’6”
What color hair? Brown
What color eyes? hazel
Would you dye your hair? Maybe.. if I needed to
If some one asked you to dunk your head in the toilet for 100 bucks, would you do it? Hah yeah
Grossest thing you’ve ever touched? Either nevans diaper, or jenns granny panties
Do you make friends easily? Umm I don’t know
Favorite colors? Purple and pink
Do you talk in your sleep? Not that I know of
Perhaps sleepwalk? Hah nope
Favorite memory? Summmmer & parties with anj
Currently in a relationship? Yesss :)
If not, do you enjoy being single?
Ever thought about your life in the future? Yeah
Do spiders scare the crap out of you? Iick yeah
Favorite TV show? Sex and the city
If you could meet anyone, who would you meet? Andrew McCarthy or Brandon Flowers
Favorite Vacation? Florida with anjillaa
Have you ever thrown up? Yeah.. ew
Do you think bugs are gross? Some are
Do you get enough sleep each night? Not each night
Are you more shy or outgoing? I’m both I guess
Do you like to shop? Yeah =D
Like to help others out? Suree
If you see a hobo on the street, would you give him money? If I had some
Will you ever adopt a kid? I’m not sure..maybe
Favorite food: at the moment I can’t think.. but I <3 guacamole chips
Favorite shirt: a new tank I got with little sequin on it
Do you like group dates or one on one dates? Either one
Are you good at dancing? Not exactly
Favorite thing about yourself: my teeth?
Favorite thing about your best friend: Everything because I love her =)
What is one of your pet peeves? Fake people & slobs (my sister)
Any Bad habits? What? I tend to lie sometimes..and I trust people too easily
Ever swore at an adult? Shamefully yeah
Do you wash your hands after you use the bathroom? Every time
Do you prefer being alone or with others? With others
Books or beer? BEER<3
What is the worst lie you’ve told your parents? That I was sleeping at anjis for like 4 nights in a row, but never did..? lol
Do you have a cell phone? Yup
Do you enjoy being out in the sun? Yesss
Want to go to college? Yeah FAU I think
Get married? Someday when I’m really mature
Have kids? ^
Are you afraid of dying? Extremely
What do you want to be when you grow up, or what is your career? I have a few ideas in mind
Where do you want to move if you could move anywhere on earth? I’m moving to florida with anji after highschool.
When someone flips you off, what is your first reaction? Flip them off back
Favorite insult: homolickingdildosucker? Hah no not really
Like living on the edge or safely tucked in to your bed? Um, I like both sometimes
The most meaningful book to you? Meaningful.. probably the Bible
What is your idea of a romantic date? A simple movie or dinner
How about the perfect day, what would happen? Anything with the right boy is good enough for me
If you could change one thing about the world, what would you change? Poverty
Peace or war? Peace<3
What do people label you as in school? Nothing really
Do you prefer Mexican food or Italian food? Italian..but I like mexican
Do you like sandwiches or pizza? Pizza unless it’s a veggie sub
What is the longest word you know? Encyclopedia
Think fast! Create a word for me- booger
If you could-would you buy a whole mall for your own use? Of course!
Do you brag? Certainly not about myself
What are you extremely good at? Cleaning haha
Have you ever gone fishing? Yesss
Favorite memory with your family? Uncle Michaels famous pool partiesss
Favorite holiday? Why? Christmas because of my aunts parties
Do you enjoy the day or night? Night
Are you more happy or grumpy? Happy.. being grumpy bites
Do people say you’re nice or mean? Probably nice I’d guess
If your friend bursts into the room crying, what would you do? I would hug her and give her kleenex
There were two people one holding the gun to the head of the other person. Would you rather be the one to shoot someone or the one to die? I’d rather not like to think about it
Are you more artistic or athletic? Artistic?
How many cousins do you have? I can think of 9.. but probably more
Whose your favorite relative? Uncle Michael, my yiaya and my papa<3
Do you care about looks when it comes to the opposite sex? Yeah.. but not to the point that I’m shallow or anything
Do you like soap operas? Only degrassi
What is your favorite smell? Boys colognes
Favorite type of gum? Extra
Do you want to fly? Hah yeah I guess
Ever thought about being someone else? Yeah
If you won a million dollars what will you do with it? Give some to my mom and dad, buy a car and clothes and stuff I guess.
Are you good with children? Sometimes.. but I get impatient sometimes
Do you like being in the spotlight? If I’m with people I’m comfortable around
Last time you cried your heart out: a week or two ago
Ever cry because of a broken heart? A few times yeah..
Can you whistle? Yup;)
Can you lick your elbow? I wish
Think of the nicest thing you’ve ever done..what is it? I have no idea
Did you like this survey? Yup I diddd