I love working with children

Jan 07, 2007 12:49

So I'm sitting in the playroom this morning doing arts and crafts with the kids. One little five year old girl who came in made me laugh so hard. We're just sitting there doing the craft and she all of a sudden looks up at me and goes...

Her: Why do you sound different when you talk?
Me: What do you mean different?
Her: You don't sound like me.
[note: turns out she's from Texas and she has this ADORABLE texas drawl]
Me: Oh! You mean cause I don't have a southern accent
Her: (nods head) Ya! You don't sound like me!
Me: That's because I'm from Wisconsin
Her: For Real?

hahahaha. so cute.

then a little later she says this...
Her: i have a boyfriend you know.
Me: you do huh, does your mommy know about him
Her: yah. she knows. she says i can't kiss him but i can have him
Me: aw well how old is he
Her: 5. we've been together for a real long time. if he left me i'd just keep on loving him.

so flippin cute.
kids always say the dardest things.
conversations like that make my day.

<3 children

Children seldom misquote.  In fact, they usually repeat word for word what you shouldn't have said.  ~Author Unknown

Children's talent to endure stems from their ignorance of alternatives.  ~Maya Angelou
(this quote really hits me. i don't understand how these children i work with go on every day being so happy and still so innocent when their lives have been so hard)

Any kid will run any errand for you if you ask at bedtime.  ~Red Skelton

There's nothing that can help you understand your beliefs more than trying to explain them to an inquisitive child.  ~Frank A. Clark

There are no seven wonders of the world in the eyes of a child.  There are seven million.  ~Walt Streightiff
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