Aug 20, 2004 17:55
I moved back into the dorm today. We got on campus pretty early but the traffic was awful so it took forever just to unload. I'm in East Laville again, though now I'm in the box in the annex. That means that I have two walls with windows (yay) and a walk in closet (super yay. My room is a tiny bit smaller this year though. At first, my roommate, Alyssa, seemed kinda standoffish but I think she was just a bit overwhelmed from moving in. She is a freshman from slidell. She seems nice though rather ... "punk". But thats cool cause most of my friends in high school were "punk". She is neat and clean though, which is good. She went to New Orleans for the night with some friends. I went (with Danny) and got some of the pajamas for the first game. They are cute. They are purple and gold tiger striped with some writing on them. This year I got some before they sold out and they even had sizes this year. Oh plus they are cotton (yay). Then we walked over to the B and visited for a while. We walked over to the Union with Amanda to go check our mail and so I could pick some stuff up from the bookstore. They changed the lights in the lobby so that they are dimmer plus they painted it different and got new furniture. I liked how it looked better last year. We went to Survival at the B. I got to see Alex Manuel again (i saw her during move-in), plus Corey O'Quinn from St. Timothy's. I also got to see NIchole, Steffie, and Monica. Nichole and I stood there and talked about how much we missed Orlando and all the people for a while. I missed hall meeting (again) but got back in time for the Ice Cream Social. I like my RA this year. Its a big step up--I actually know who she is. Her name is Megan. I got to talk to Josh for a while before crashing.
I got a lovely wake up call at 830 this morning from dear Josh. I had already been waking up anyway, just because I was in a new place, plus my alarm was set for 9. And it sounds like I was better off than Monica, who was called at 530 because she laughed at him for having to wake up at 630. My mom called near lunch time to see if it would be okay to bring up my new comforter (sunshine yellow!). We went to lunch at Portobello's. yum! I have discovered one annoyance of living in the box--door alarms. It sounds kind of like a muted fire alarm and it goes off whenever someone props the door open. In the evening, I went over to Darcie's apartment at ECA then we (Darcie, Danny, and me) went over to Brandi's apartment. She's living with her sister this year. Their apartment is gonna be really cute. Then we went to go visit Mallory at work. We ate at Cou-Yons (where Mal works). Brandi, Candice, and I all got chicken, and I don't mean like a piece or two of chicken, it was an entire half a chicken each. And then we got pudding after...chocolate pudding. Well Brandi got to laughing a little bit too hard and her pudding went into reverse. After that excitement the twins and I came back to Darcie's place and hung out for a while. We talked to her 'Honey' about how to get stains out of cloths, we talked to Josh some, then we got onto the subject of goats...and dad and goats. is hilarious and disturbing. Danny and I left and came back and watched for a while-- also funny. Alyssa and I have decided to get fish.
Basic summing up of today so far: nothing! The exciting part was when the door alarm went off...again. Oh and I caught up on my letters to Beverly. Other than that I have been online most of the day. I am going to have my side of the room be Disney themed so mostly I was on Disney pages. It was fun. I'll write about my summer later.