Oct 30, 2005 01:51
I am seriously the cleverest fucking punk ever. Get this:
So my job sucks, we all know this. Oh well, fuck off. So I knew yesterday was going to be a bad day, so I purposely slacked off and went slow and sloppy, I dont care. We were going to have to stay till 1 or later, because the order was huge. Well, about 2 hours into work, I smashed my hand, between my thumb and forefinger, on the steel racks. It hurt a lot. So bad in fact, that I dropped the boxes I was carrying (the best part is yet to come). My hand hurt alot, but thats not enough to get you out of work. I came up with the brilliant plan to mash my hand on every heavy piece of steel or machinery I could find when no one was looking, and my hand swolled up like a balloon. It was huge, and it was perfect. I showed my supervisor, and after discussing the options....He let me go home for the day, which was about 6:30, because I couldnt use my left hand. It was devastatingly painful. Coincidently, my work buddy Travis has been having hamstring problems and he got out at the same time I did, so we both went back to his apartment for a bit and hungout before I ventured home.
Now, today, I went in to work, but not to work. My plan was evolving. I spent the night, and some of the morning, mashing my hand with ice-cream scoops, hammers and the butts to large kitchen utensils to keep the swelling to a nice, buy-able size. I went in and requested a visit to the clinic. Sure, it took like 3 hours at the hospital, cause hospitals suck, but lets just say, I left with a "doctors note not to use my left hand till the follow-up appointment Monday morning," perscription pain pills that I didnt need, for there was no more pain in my hand, it was all acting, and another day off work. :-) Instead, I went to a costume party and hungout with Katie.
Tomorrow, I have to "call-in" to see if they want me to come in and do mediocore work or something. That means paid to do practically nothing, or just not come in. :-) Soooo basically, what, 5 days away from there!?!?!?! Yeah, I have Monday and Tuesday off...
Now, my friends, if thats not rolling deep, I dont know what the fuck is.