Nov 30, 2006 16:15
i need to work on getting more than 2-3 hours of sleep a night these last few weeks. i look like an addict.
paper done. presentation done. one test to go.
i cut my bangs just for fun. i needed something to do. then i also painted a drawer. one down, two and a half more to go.
i feel like i haven't been eating much--i've turned down cheese sticks, chocolate, and cookies-- but for some reason i feel full. and somehow, i think i've gained weight. kind of puzzling, really. some thing's not right when i decline cheese. and chocolate. and cookies, for that matter.
well i know i've been kinda sparse on aim. the next three weeks aren't going to be any better. in fact, they're going to rip me up more than that poor animal(s?)'s remains i found at the wall.
i did take my last break(s) yesterday when i went to the basketball game with my roomie. she was singing the national anthem and she sounds fantastic. i'm really proud of her. ;) hehe. there was a really awkward moment with two of the refs. they looked like they were yelling at each other at first (which they were), but it looked like they were all in each other's faces about it (it was on the big screen), but when i looked over to where they were on the court, i could see the rest of their bodies and it was so bloody awkward. they were standing really close and one had his arm around the other guy's shoulder/back while the other one had his arm wrapped around the first guy's back with his hand just about groping the guy's posterior. oh, and did i mention that this position was held for a good five minutes while they argued? jenny and i got a kick out of it and we spent the rest of the night imitating it. i've never seen anything like that before at a game. ::shakes head::
Happy news (literally), we were talking on the phone and he was telling me about how he ordered a tool set and they should have been in, and he was debating if he should call the place up and find out what happened. not five minutes later the doorbell rang and it was his tools. and then i told him, yeah, i was waiting for a package from my parents too, and it should have arrived, when suddenly the doorbell rang and it was my package. weird, eh? anyway, his break is the 22-26ish of december so, you should all visit him during that time. we were thinking of seeing blue man group and taking his mum out to dinner in chicago. any suggestions? I was thinking the 95th floor or an Asian/hawaiian place called Sola (which is really really good, you should go). But if anyone knows some place nice and yummy, suggestions would be great.
would anyone be interested in going to the Safehouse over break? It's in milwaukee, and if you haven't been there, you should.
back to studying.