Mar 17, 2005 13:18
happy birthday christy!!...lolol...ur gettin j/k...well hope its a good one...and try not to pimp to much wen ur hey guyz wuts at school in the library bored....i have nothing to do...y is it that boyfriends r so complicated?......they make the biggest deals out of the littlest things. my b/f is driving me to my friend pris....i completely accept u for who u r....and the decisions you make....and i couldnt be prouder...=) .....u goto school and u work full time...not many ppl could pull that off....and dont let other ppl get u down....the ones that are worth your tears wont make u cry them....dont worry everything will be alright...about the whole love thing....jus wait 4 it eventually it'll come along...wen u least expect it, it'll happen...hey i happened to me...just hang in there.....well guyz thats all for now i have nothing else to