Jul 11, 2005 20:44
Other then that yesterday was awsome! A huge group of us went down to the dq almost even ehhem you know who but they got picked up so ya know but that was fun if you take alicia out of the picture. Then kyrstal met us down there and then we all hung out and my mom took us all home and great fun and then me and krys hung out and then me my mum and krys went to nicos for a scrapbooking dem and then nicolette sleptover and we hung otu it was sooo much fn we went in the hot tub and then we ......... lolol and then we ...... a .......... then we woke up real early and went in the lake COLD then in the hot tub and then we all parted ways but it was great anyways i hope we can do something next weekend bc i have recital and the 3 of us can chill out after, like a post show party you can join if you wnat well bye for now