Weekend Update 8.9

Jul 25, 2006 06:08

Okay, first thought of the day: Special K Red Berries? Hm. They taste. . .off. Not sure what to do with that, as this is the breakfast I just made for myself. I was enticed by the stupid claims that if I ate their cereal, I could drop a jeans size in 2 weeks. Not that I want to be a size smaller per se, but it would be nice to fit into my jeans a little bit better. So the only thing I could look forward to about getting up so flipping early was my healthful and delicious cereal. Not so much on the delicious. I think next time I'll just get regular Special K. Ooooh, or Lucky Charms! Surely the little marshmallows are like little tiny drops of extra metabolism, yes?

I went home to see my mom this weekend. My sister also went home, so it was nice to have a girly weekend. Friday night we ordered in and watched Cinderella Man. Saturday we saw Dead Man's Chest and had Indian food for lunch. It was one of Mom's first Indian food experiences, so that was great. Then Ceci headed back to Waco and Mom and I ate some good, sweet Oletha corn for dinner and watched The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants, even though Mom read book 3 and knows how everything ends. Sunday she and I just stayed in our pjs and watched Mean Girls and War of the Worlds, during which we pretty much just made fun of Tom Cruise.

I've been in a weird mood lately. So when I got home on Sunday, I just kind of wandered around. The Vampire stopped by to give me a hug hello, and brought me some tiramisu, which was so nice of him. I got a little weepy for no reason, so I sent him home so that he could get some sleep without having to deal with a whiny girlfriend. He went home, got some sleep, and then came back over at midnight to sleep here. Which was really the perfect thing for him to do, even though it scared the hell out of me to have someone banging on my door at midnight.

Yesterday I called my boss and switched my day off from Wednesday to Monday so that I could take a personal day. I just am having trouble shaking this weird feeling. Matt and I stayed in our pjs all day and did his laundry while we watched television. Apparently we cannot agree on what to watch, ever, unless it is the Cosby Show. I'm all about the Food Network, and he's not so much.

Vampire: Can we please stop watching people cook?
Me: What?
Vampire: I'm just tired of the Food Network.
Me: I'm sorry. I don't understand what you just said. 
Vampire: Please, anything else.
Me: Fine, let's flip through the chann- OOOOOH! Gilmore Girls!
Vampire: I am NOT watching this.
Me: What? Why?
Vampire: I can't stand this show. It's just so--OOOOH! SPONGEBOB!
Me: No.
Vampire: Why not?
Me: Why not Gilmore Girls!?
Vampire: He's YELLOW!!!!
Me: Witty banter at 90 mph!!
Vampire: Nooooo!
Me: Noooo!

So we watched Spongebob. I figured that he'd been patient enough to sit through Paula Deen. We realized that it would make a good drinking game, her show. Take a drink every time she extends a one-syllable word into two or three syllables. You'd be drunk pretty quickly.

After he left, I wandered around a bit more, but this time at the grocery store, where I was enticed by aforementioned Special K. Which is now soggy. Which does NOT improve the taste at all. Just so you know.

I went to bed early last night and kind of wish I could still be in bed. I kept doing this thing where I'd wake up shivering, so I'd pull up the blankets. And then I'd wake up super sweaty, so I'd kick them off. I hate when that happens.

I'm tired. I'm sad for no reason. I don't want to go to work. I just want to go back to bed. Bleh. Hope everyone else is having a better day.

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