So I'm slowly working my way through all of the tv I've missed over the last week or so. Tonight is Smallville and Supernatural with the boyfriend and I'm oh so excited. I have to confess I'm also sort of hoarding my SGA episodes. I have two unviewed episodes (last week and last night's) waiting on my dvr. Tomorrow will most likely be my SGA day. And yeah, I still have The Shrine on my dvr to watch for about the fifteenth time, because OMG - David Hewlett breaks my heart in this.
Now for the things I've actually seen,
So, I was totally unprepared for Heroes. I've remained unspoiled for the most part, and I was underwhelmed by Season 2. But GOOD GOD, I loved the Season 3 opener. Hot Mohinder/Future Peter/SILAR! It was absolutely what I needed to get me interested in the show again.
Fringe - I've been kind of on the fence about this show until this week's episode. I love the exchanges between Walter and Peter. And for the first time I actually sort of "got" Olivia. Thank you J.J. Also, I would totally like to read some Peter Bishop/Charlie Francis slash, so um - if you guys know of any - point me that way.
The Mentalist - I've got to admit I totally tivoed this because Simon Baker is hot. I figured I'd give the show a cursory once over and then never watch it again. To my great suprise, I adored it. The last scene with Patrick Jane curled up on the mattress underneath Red John's graffiti just killed me. He reminds me a little bit of the Danny Taylor character from WaT - deflecting everything with his charm but deeply wounded underneath I will defintitely be adding this to my must-see tv schedule.
Don't forget - The Unit returns tomorrow!