Jun 17, 2006 11:44
I don't know about all you, but for me I find myself drawn to authors who tend to write emotion into their books. I know that for me to not put a book down because I am so engrossed in it, there has to be a connection between me and the characters.
The very first book I found that was that way was a trilogy written by Mercedes Lackey. The Last Herald-mage. I found myself drawn into the world of Valdemar and the life of this man more than I ever had with any other book before. I wept like a child at the end of the first book, (of course I was only 13 when I read it so.. I suppose I was a child). I find I can still tell you almost all about the book and I have not re-read the trilogy for a few years.
The next book that I found was Phantom, by Susan Kay. It is the story of the Phantom of the Opera from life to just past his death. I adored the misunderstood and abused young man named Erik. He had so much going against him in the way of his mother and everyone he ended up falling in love with. My favorite of the latter was a siamese kitten he found in Paris. *laughs* Of course I am a cat person through and through so it is no surprise that I adored the siamese.
I have of-course found many other books that have made me laugh, love, weep and become almost homicidally angry. *grins* Not that I would ever kill anyone in real life but... I really would have loved to kill Erik's mother in Phantom. *sighs*
When I write my stories and poems I try to emulate my favorite authors and authoresses(?) in the way they bring the heart of the reader into the story. If you love the main character you will not want to put the book down when that character comes in contact with adversity or love. You will want to know if they make it through the next rial, if they finally end up with that man/woman they have fallen for, you will want to know what happened to bring them to where you find them. You will want to see them succeed, even if they end up sacrificing themselves for the peace and prosperity they were working so hard to bring to those they love.
When they lose something or someone you cry with them, when they succeed you celebrate with them, when they fight you worry for them, when they love you smile for them. You become a part of their lives and they become a part of you.
I feel that what you read becomes a part of your personality. You can change who you are and who you, your children and friends will become by what you read and what you recommend to them. You can become a better person by changing your perspective, by reading about it. I am not saying you WILL become a better person but you can become a better person.
Maybe I'll post a few pieces that I have written here... Hmm not a bad idea, then maybe I can get some feedback from people who aren't emotionally tied to me. *winks*