Feb 09, 2012 21:50
Okay, so I briefly mentioned around that I'm moving. Here's the reason: we asked our landlord to get rid of the rats and they waited two months and then decided not to renew the contract with the company we're leasing from. They are going to sell the property. In other words.... the place we live now, is more or less condemned. As they are only required to give us one month's notice, that's all they gave us. At first we were like "Okay fine, we've been wanting to move anyway." And we had been hearing really good things about apartments from friends because the economy and housing market suck here too.
But with this kind of time restriction it's really sucking hard. We have several elements working against us: Fuu, we're gaijin, we don't have a guarantor, my salary is not impressive, Harry is a student. That basically narrows down our choices to almost nothing. What it does narrow it down to is more or less the same as we're trying to get away from. Oh, and did I mention it's the busiest season for real estate agents? So they have no time to see us either.
So far, we were snubbed by one big company completely for not having a guarantor. Next, we went to a smaller company who showed us three places, none of which were anywhere near acceptable. The first was insanely small with a cracked sliding glass door on the ground floor. The second was cute inside, but was on the 3rd floor in an inconvenient neighborhood that was far from the station and the building looked in dis-repair in general. The third was in a good neighborhood, but not the one we wanted, and it was a dark hole with water damage on the ceiling. Plus, one room was so stupidly shaped it would be completely impossible to put anything in it.
So we expanded our search. We have meetings set up with three different realtors now and have our hopes up for this one place nearby. We'll see.... two weeks to be all moved out of here =/.