Nov 29, 2002 11:12
Hey everyone long time no ...... write?? lol anyways. I've been grounded so i haven't been able to get online for a while. Man oh man and when i finally get online what do i find out?!?!? My computer got a virus so my dad dumped everything music instant message everything. Yeah thats right so when we redownload instant message i betcha my buddy list is gone. Blah Blah no fun. Well lets see how's my crazy life been. Crazy as usual. I've been working non stop and then school as usual and now football is over yay!!! this was a really crappy season. We did pretty bad as i'm sure u already know. OMG ok so i've kinda been dating this guy Brent even though i've been grounded right?? LOL ok so tonight i called him and told him it just wasn't working out b/c i'm always working and i never seem to have time. Ok almost the truth. I'm mean if u are really feeling someone u make time for them right? Right! But we just were so different and we never seem to have anything in common so i fiqured for the common good of the people i would break it off. It seemed to go ok b/c he said he was gonna say something soon so i guess alls well that ends well. I felt kinda bad b/c i got my excuse that i told him from the best book ever. Angus, thongs, and full frontal snogging! (which Erin i want to read the next one if you have it b/c that one was so good!!) anyways i told him I like you and i don't want u to think its you its me, and i don't think i could ever make you happy, we're so different so i think we should break things off. OK not a direct quote but fairly close. It was perfect to use b/c it was all true. So thats what i told him. But anyways the football banquet is coming up and i want to get my hair dyed or highlighted for it b/c i want something different. I got the cutest dress for it i think i'm going to look cute. A change from my normal comfy rugged look. LOL well guys i've got to be going call me sometime i luv ya!!!!XOXO