Which flock do you follow? this quiz was made by
alanna Hehe thats cool-I follow no one!!!! lol..so anyways..
Lets see..work wasn't too bad last night..I stayed late tho, but it wasn't hard so I get more money for less work! :) I mostly worked in the gift shop all night and this little brat stole a 2 buck bookmark, a woman saw and told me, and i told the manager..so I dunno what happened. I think thats so stupid tho, to steal something thats 2 bucks?? I was pissed tho, I saw my schedule for next week and they had me on for 5 fucking days. For july 4th weekend, when my familys coming down!!! They even had me on for July 4th!!! I was so pissed, I talked to Jamie and he said it should be ok if I get off July 4th but i have to talk to Tommy(the owner) on Thursday since he does all the scheduling now. He better give me off. Lizbeth was supposed to come down that week or whatever but then she wrote me this letter and said she doesn't think she can. That pissed me off alot. Well maybe she'll get to come down anyways. Well..when I got home I could tell my mom was upset.She and my dad had been fighting and they didn't stop the rest of the night..it was pretty bad. I got to talk to lots of people online last night so that was fun. haha I found out all this cool stuff I never knew that made me feel special.
Umm today I spent basically the whole day outside on my deck (underneath an umbrella so i didnt get a tan) I did some summer work, and talked to peoples on the phone. It was good times. Oh I wrote couch a letter too. Tonight I'm going out to this deck bar to hear this band my mom and I like then we'll come home and go out to eat. hehe-my mom and I like to party.
I feel like I don't know Sal anymore. It's so weird...well I cant really write alot because I know he reads this and I dont want him getting the wrong idea.
Anyways-I guess I better get going. Thank you guys so much for your comments-they all made me smile. You guys are the best. :) How'd I get so lucky to get such nice friends!?!?!??!?!
Hope everythings going well with all of you.