H/D fanart in 2007

Jan 05, 2008 20:38

Just went through all the art I did in 2007. Each piece reminds me of what was happening around/to me at the time, so I thought I might share?

Links to all my h/d art (yeah I draw nothing else) and a few non-h/d ones, w/ personal notes attached

Kissing Under the Mistletoe (H/D, PG) - there was supposed to be more leaves.
Gift art #1 (Draco, G) - outfit inspired by Oilily's children's fashion catalog
Gift art #2 (Harry, PG)
Quidditch One-on-One (H/D, G) - I switched to extra-fine grain watercolor paper since then.
Draco and Harry (G) - reminds me of left-over watercolor "cakes" on plastic deli food trays (I kept using those trays until after I moved to Tokyo. Now I use two free Moomin dishes I got with 15 stamps from circle K)

Daisy (Harry, G) - Did it in school library. My feet were cold.
Blinding Light (Draco) - I used a Hispanic male as reference. Not a bright idea, consider Draco being white as a ferret.
Doors (Harry, R) and Windows (Draco, G) - took off to Yokohama right after posted. It was a horribly stressful yet fruitful trip. I couldn't take a shower on my way back home because of the overnight bus schedule, and had to use the washroom at Starbucks to somewhat sanitize myself. Again, it was cold.

In the woods (H/D, G) - inspired by a German film. Can't remember the title.
The Road - Chapter 6 (Draco - PG) - Did that one in 2006, if I didn't remember wrong.
The Road - Chapter 7 (Draco, G) - Regardless of the lack of comments, I liked this one better than any art I did in 2007.
The Road - Chapter 7 (Harry, G) - Took two tries before getting it right.

Art #1 for serpentinelion's secrets-and-wishes fest. (H/D, R) - Dark, cloudy weekend afternoon.
Daisychain!Draco (Draco, G) - Every day to work I drove pass Kenroku-en, a famous garden in Ishikawa prefecture where pretty pretty cherry blossom could be seen during the time of the year.
Secrets and Wishes Fest, prompt #58 (H/D, R, NWS) - Do people wear their glasses while having sex? Harry is not Harry without his pair of glasses and/or his scar.
Voldemort (G) - I got a stack of old ジュネ magazines (the oldest is published in 1979), and was in old-world Yaoi heaven.

Draco (G) and Blanket (H/D, G)
Red Silk (H/D, R) - Dark chocolate love.

Strawberry whipped cream (H/D, PG)
Remus, Sirius, and Narcissa+Bellatrix (PG)

Yukata Ryojo (Draco/OC, R) - I want want want Takato Yamamoto's Artbooks. Want them all. All of them.
Confession (H/D, G) - I gave the drawing to a colleague of mine. Didn't tell her it's supposed to be slash, of course.
Crocodile Tear - Fanart for The Good Guys (H/D, R) - markers of different brands don't mix, even if one is a copycat of the other. Trust me on this one.
Once Burned (H/D, PG) - the huge jar of Chinese ink I bought for this was trashed during the move. I only used up 1/20 of the ink.
Interlude to Once Burned (H/D, R) - weekend drawing frenzy
H/D subtext fanart #9, #8 , #7 , #6 , #5 , #4 , #3 , #2, #1 - Did them in the midst of my move. I remember myself trashing and packing stuff on a daily basis. Gave away too many comic books to my likings.
All is well (H/D, G) - did it in a food court at the new department store close to the hotel I stayed, 3-4 days before taking off to Tokyo for good. Started before 10. Finished at around 11am. Had some very good walnut raisin artisan bread while working on it.

Reversed Handshake - Draco and Harry were done at the hotel before the move. The hand-holding was done after arriving Tokyo. The pictures were uploaded at an Internet Cafe in Jiyuugaoka. The cigarette smoke was killing me. The drinks were free, but I was about to throw up from the smoke so I didn't get to enjoy them.
Fanart for Nothing Scarlet or Grey (H/D, G)
The fall (H/D, NWS) - Did it a month before for reversathon? Did it in school library, as usual. I remember pulling out a couple huge books from the bookshelf behind me and stood them around my workspace, for fear that people might see what I was painting.

Fanart for Maya's birthday comm merrymonth - Did the H/D one on a Sunday. Very sleepy. It was some stressful weeks.

I promise to let you go - for the_eros_affair - weekend drawing frenzy, again. Must have been the hormone.

Mpreg Gift Art for hd_inspired (H/D, G) - Spent approx an hour a day and did it in five days. Each morning I would look at the time I had and my wakefulness, and decide which part of the drawing I should do. Draco's face was done on the day I was half-dead; the sofa backboard when I was rather awake.
Scene from The Price We Pay For Wings (H/D, G)
Fanart for The Kiss (H/D, G) - did it before watching Moulin Rouge DVD. The last time I watched it I was still in Canada. I used to feel sorry for Satin for her life was ruined by this "all you need is love" business. I don't think so anymore.
Holiday art (H/D, G) - work-related stress, and the non-alcoholic way to deal with it.
Sketchy art (H/D, G) - when everybody including their mothers go for digital art, I went backward to color screen tone. I spotted some left over screen tone in the drawer, and I had the urge to cut something with sharp, sharp knife that day.

And my little CG attempt -

review: 2007

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