Stream of Conciousness Update

Oct 26, 2008 12:19

Five beautiful healthy 2 week old kittens. This group is high contrast; black & white, a calico, an all black, and one gray. Momma Alice disappeared all evening and night last night. We were afraid we'd have orphan kitties to take care of but she came back early this morning. May not let her out again.

Previous kitten batch tawny indoor Theodore and grey sturdy outdoor Hagar are doing great. Delightful affectionate cats. Three who were adopted out are all loved and appreciated in their new homes too.

Baked a loaf of bread yesterday and it came out great. Just white bread. Used my big mixer finally unpacked after 9 years, last seen in my kitchen in Austin. Made for little work and a lot of fun. I've been baking various corn breads out of my book over the last couple of weeks for dinners. The yeast bread was specifically adjusted for our 5000 ft plus altitude.

Finished my first sampler tapestry. Set up the loom for another. Haven't started to lay the color into it yet but am starting to feel inspired.

We are going to Colorado for Thanksgiving. Talked to Ahriana today to confirm plans for that and it was lovely to visit with her for a few. I am The Baker for that weekend of 25 people. Got plans to make sweet rolls for breakfasts, rolls for the big meal, bread for sandwiches with leftovers. I'll probably take my mixer with me.

My memory is working entirely differently than it used to. Not particularly well or reliably. I've been pretty frustrated with its quick and steep decline but got some valuable insight today. Ahriana says it is part of new universal energy attunement to help us all focus on Now and change how we perceive and judge things. Many folks are apparently experiencing issues with remembering past and plans, the issue is pervasive. She says it is ok, nothing wrong with me. It would be good to be able to relax into the new way of perceiving reality and release my resistance to it.

Been totally captivated by and working actively with the teachings of Abraham over the last few weeks. They are making a huge difference in my day to day experience of life. Been much happier and more relaxed, getting along with people better at work, and seeing my friends more amongst other improvements.

Bought the paint for Zarah's new room. It is essentially going to look like a mango. Very colorful! Now we need to manifest carpet somehow. I have no idea how, but it needs to happen. Jonathan and Jason are hanging her door right now. Primer paint is about 2/3 done. Ideally we want to get her stuff moved before the party. The days are slipping away towards that.

Halloween party planning well underway. Really excited about creating some fun for ourselves and friends. If you are reading this, you are invited! November 1st evening at our place. We're making sugar skulls and carving pumpkins on Friday. I took Thur & Fri off work as vacation holiday days for myself so I can really enjoy the fun and get ready for the party.

Web site updates have been getting done for all the various folks I was working trade for. I'm up on top of that stuff for the first time in a long time. Debts are disappearing as intended and desired. I expect more cash to start flowing any moment now which I can use to clear some other things up.

New car is driving great. Gas mileage is good.

Big projects coming up at the courthouse and I'm starting to see and feel a little movement on some issues that have been blocking progress and lingering for awhile. It will be great to get them moving and done.

Galadriel is over at Desert Breeze getting re-bred to White Russian. We've not been able to get her successfully bred in 18 months of trying here. Not had this issue with any other of the girls. I believe they have succeeded with Russian though. All things going well we should have four or five alpaca babies next year.

Time to tidy up the cabin, take some laundry down off the line outside and come back around to the computer to do another web site update for Outback. Took care of Desert Breeze yesterday.

alpaca, zarah, baking, crafting, cats

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