i hate egotistical, loose, selfish people

Jan 07, 2005 19:50

Now, i am by no means saying that I am a good rider. I do beleive two things however, 1) I believe I know what a good rider does and 2) I believe I know what makes people assume they are a good rider.

Just because you can get a horse to full speed or jump it (until its sore) and stay on it doesn't make you a good rider.
Just because you have fancy teachers who tell you what to do on the same horse over and over doesn't make you a good rider.
Just because you think you can teach a horse by impulse over one day something that should take weeks of practice, does not make you a good rider.
Just because you hoard horses doesn't make you a good rider
Finally, just because you think you are a good rider doesn't make you a good one either.

- A good rider is always intune to and with their horse
- A good rider has grace and form while on their horse
- A good rider has control of their horse
- A good rider has compassion and understanding with and to their horse
- A good rider knows the mechanics and anatomy of the horse

Hopefully this will help some people that (will deny it but are) are confused and need direction
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