I would have stayed with the Phantom instead of that shmucky Raoul

Jan 04, 2005 22:30

Since The Phantom of the Opera has been mostly the topic of conversation for the past week now, i thought it would be right to say some thoughts about it.

A. The Phantom was uber hot, like damn. (well obviously except for the small disfugurment but hey thats what the mask is for) not to mention the acting. v v good
B. I liked Gerard Butler waaaaaay better then Michael Crawford
C. His voice was surpisingly good (for it being Gerard Butler's real voice)
D. Raoul was............i mean he had a good voice but the hair did nothing for him, lol. I think that that character is had to play though cause its written so 2 demensionally. So in that respect i think Patrick Wilson did a good job.
E. Christine was good too, she was only 18! I was glad that she hit all those notes at the end of "The Phantom of the Opera" (the song, when he says Sing! my angel of Music!)

K, SO today was enjoyable. T, Karen and I went riding. T had Image, Karen had Pumpkin and I had Kassie. She was really good and she even cantered for me! If only we had more space....... O! and karen got pumpkin to trot as well. V exciting. ::Time out...pumpkin...moving....omg...:: And......we met Wes. Who T, the hoe bag never said that he existed or that.....well nm anyway we know now...heh heh heh. I asked him to ride but he couldn't. :( maybe next time. He wasn;t too bad looking and he was talking to the horses and being all nice and stuff. And he helped me catch Kassie. Guys and horses sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo mix.
::kiss kiss::
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