[imported from new blog] pressure...

Feb 09, 2008 01:55

ahhh so freaking busy lately
Got Chiasma starting up again. Being the CEO this year, I'm a little freaked. Half the time I think I can do it, the other half of the time I just wannna go home and sleep on my comfy bed.
We are doing something new this year, as well as some changes, so things are not quite as similar as last year.
As well as my first year PhD review coming up. As usual we are not told what is exactly expected of us, I know I need to do a literature reviw, and complete my first year goals or explain why if some of them weren't done yet, then give a plan for the next year. Today I hear you have to prepare a presentation - I thought maybe just a brief talk, not really a powerpoint presentation showing all your data etc etc. Gaaah.
Just the literature review is annoying the hell out of me.
Then I've got like a million of experiments I have to do, all ASAP and Urgent... (wha!)
And the lab is still as hot as hell.
Today I had so many things I needed to do, I was trying to do them all at once, and emails kept coming in, and I ended up not doing anything. Like I'd open up internet explorer to go to a website and then I went to read an email and when I came back I had forgotten what website I wanted to visit. So I decided to just do things one-by-one. Totally focus on one task at a time. That worked well. That'll be my strategy now.
I found when I'm feeling stressed I can't really concentrate when people are talking or when they suddenly change topics. Graeme was complaining I kept saying 'what?' while he was talking. I don't catch the first part of the conversation and I get totally lost. I felt like I was 'blonde'.
Still have got the remaining of my summer sports to go. But last week - Tuesday lacrosse practise didn't go cos of Taf's bday and Wedneday soccer practise was cancelled cos of Waitangi Day. Then this week, again Tues and Wednesday nights I'll b busy so can't make practise still. I need to find time to exercise even if I don't go to practise to keep my fitness up.
I spent too much time watching telly I think. Need to cut those back.

Other news:
I went to the new business school building for a meeting, it's so nice, and flash, and big, and modern and good view.
Then I briefly saw the new ASB branch inside the building had opened, so after the meeting I thought I'd try my luck to see if my friend Allan from highschool was working there. And he was!
I was very excitied and proud of him, for making Assistant Branch Manager (really he's a Branch Manager cos there isn't one). It's a cute lil branch too, and NEW. He had 2 tellers and a personal banker, he's also interviewing more staff. WOW.
They just opened on Monday, there hasn't been too much things to do as uni hasn't started. They were pretty much just goofing around. He said on Sunday night, he came in and blow up all these helium ballons to prepare for Monday open and when he came in on Monday morning, he discovered that all the helium had escaped. I don't know how well he tied up the balloons but I was thinking to myself - I need to remember this if I ever needed to prepare some helium balloons - don't do it too early! And on Monday he was cutting the ribbons for the branch, the scissors wouldn't cut. Hehe. oooh I'm just so excited for him.
Talking about excitment. Lately I've been strangely excited about little things. Like the fax machine in uni, my portable hard drive (smaller than I imagined), cooking, behaving as a functional member of society, etc etc
I'm usually not a very excitable person but I think this is good. Stopped trying to be so blaise about things now and need for form concrete opinions. I strive for consistency and logics. Yes.

Ohh also something quite exciting, I got my old laptop ready for my mum to use. GASP! She wanted one to put all her photos on it so she can look at it whenever she wants. She's not very good at using the mouse and she's not used to all the computer stuff we take granted for. Like instinctly know to double click a folder to open it, drag and drop, copy and paste, etc. I also set it up so she could surf the net (removed all my bookmarks and add ones relevant to her), read her emails from outloook (at the moment, I check her emails), and use Skype to call family in Taiwan. It's very interesting when looking in a webpage/document, when I want to look at something further down I call it 'scroll DOWN' but she actually thinks as 'moving the page UP'. So when we look at a page together, when she say 'UP' she actually meant to go 'DOWN'. There was so definite confusion there the first few times.

Once again, I should head to sleep!
I 'try' not to blog too long. But sometimes I rather want to get everything off my mind, so I can stop thinking about them. It works quite well.

computer, me

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