May 17, 2006 18:22
Oh god help me! I'm about to post my first ever attempt at Angst...and since I'm such a Fluff girl please try to be nice and keep the criticism constructive.
Here it is: My random S.T.A.R boredom peice without any ignore the spelling and the grammar mistakes to...sorry if its really bad grammar!
A Zacharias Smith/Daphne Greengrass story in the P.O.V of Mr.ZachariasSmith.
Rating: PG
Summary: I suck at Summaries so let’s just ignore this little field.
Genre 1: General
Genre 2: Angst (sort of)
He'd stare...and stare. He wouldn't usually be so blatant about it but there was nothing else to do in this particular class knowing he knew the book like the back of his hand. There was something about the particular girl. Her name was Daphne he'd learnt and she was a Slytherin which automatically should have brought up red-flags in his mind...but didn't. He knew that she was quite popular too...with her Slytherins of course which explained her slightly snobbish attitude. She'd flaunt that she was a pureblood if it made her better.
Feeling a tap on his shoulder he broke away his stare reluctantly to turn and face the person who interrupted his staring session. He looked at Hannah to find her staring at him and indicating to him that Professor Binns had almost caught him. Hannah knew of his obsession with her. Oh he'd never told her but Hannah had always been more intuitive than the rest of the Hufflepuffs. A talent she had he supposed.
"Be careful Zach, don't want to get caught now do we?" She said cheekily using the atrocious nickname he hated.
Still he stopped himself from reminding her of it. He didn't want to draw too much attention after all. His stare was directed towards the board now. He was starting to understand now that his obsession wasn't healthy...because it wasn't just some obsession like adoring Mad Eye Moody; it had become an infatuation under the covers. One no one knew of (Hannah only knew of his obsession)...and he knew his infatuation with her wasn't healthy and yet as he tried he couldn't stop himself from staring. It was like he was a puppet.
He'd remember the oddest things...not times when he was with his friends laughing, like a normal person would, but he'd remember when she'd throw a brief glance at him. Or when she'd sway her hips as she walked towards someone else but it seemed like him. Those were the things he would remember. He'd been staring a long while really. It had started last year. He'd seen her change her ways going from Sarcastic to Nice (or as nice as a Slytherin could be), Cunning to Loyal. He'd watched as had become his routine.
He would never go up to her though...afraid of what he might do. He'd promised himself at the beginning itself that he would never act on his infatuation/obsession. It would simply result in catastrophe that both sides didn't he was afraid of rejection (Any boy with an obsession for a brunette Slytherin would be afraid of this). Besides he would never throw away his life, his career for some woman, no matter how pretty she is or how bright her personality is. It would be slightly humiliating. They'd all seen what had happened to Draco Malfoy when he'd professed his love for Ginny Weasley and revealed their secret relationship only to be snubbed by her. He didn't want to become that. He wanted something more out of his life and that did not include brooding. He realized now that Hannah was glaring at him but couldn't be bothered to turn and glare at her back. He was staring again...
Commenting would be much appreciated but you don't have to.
Oh and just so no one pulls a steal on this like Evil RPer. DON'T STEAL MY STUFF! No matter how crappy it is. And don't fix it without my permission. I don't want to sound bitchy but ever since Evil RPer I've gotten a bit touchy about my works.