(no subject)

May 03, 2006 17:13

AHHH Ship Meme! Lovey Love. Stole it of the darling faith who stole it off a million other people.

"One True Pairing" Ship: Draco/Ginny Cause they were the first fan fic I ever read
"One True Threesome" Ship:Hehe...god save me. R/Hr/H.
"Canon" Ship: Ron/Hermione! I love these two with their bickering.
"Not quite canon but should be" ship: Blaise/Pansy...god knows if they really are canon but if they were I'd go w00t! OO and Dean/Parvati!
"If this happens I'll stab my eyes out with a spork" Ship: Draco/Hermione!!! EWWWY Harry/Hermione too...oo and Ginny/Harry...(I'm sorry)
"You are one sick b******" ship: George/Hermione(THATS RIGHT MINELIE!) or Twin/Anyone but the chasers.
"I'm one sick b******" ship: Oh holy crap I didn't want to admit it. Voldemort/Ginny/Tom its wacked up.
"I dabble a little" Ship: James/Lily
"It's like a car crash" Ship: um...not sure really but Micheal/Ginny? Guilty pleasure
"Tickles my fancy but not sold quite yet" Ship: Neville/Pansy
"Makes no canon sense but why the hell not" Ship: Draco/Ginny! ALL THE WAY!
"Everyone else loves it but I just don't feel it" Ship: Draco/Hermione, Draco/Harry, Harry/Hermione, Snape/Lily...and Harry/Ginny.
"When all is said and done" 'Ship: Assuming it means who'll end up together for sure - Ron/Hermione
"Guilty Pleasure" ship: Ron/Pansy, Harry/Pansy, Draco/Pansy, Draco/Blaise...and sadly even Ginny/Blaise
"I can't believe I read it and liked it" ship: ..Daphne/Zach...at first I was all O.O WTF?! Then I read it and then all of the sudden I'm a D/Z shipper ^.^ Now if anyone goes against D/Z *glare*OH and definetely Hermione/Blaise. I thought I would hate them but then skoosiepants made me all AWWWW!
"Favorite "Older/Younger" ship: Holy crap thats just disgusting really...I hate those ships..Snape/Harry? Sirius/Harry? Remus/Harry? SIRIUS/DRACO! NOOOOOO
"My first I could never abandon you" ship: Draco/Ginny!!! I'm sorry It's just one of the best fictions ever written.
Favorite Devotionship: Let me think...Ron/Hermione maybe and T/T o and possibly H/G but I hate them so not mentioning them.
Favorite Nevermetship: Zacharias/Daphne! Sho Cute! I love em even though they haven't really met in the books but the books are from Harry's eyes so pfft..
Favorite Pervyship: Draco/Ginny, Blaise/Pansy, way too many really.
Favorite DominanceBattleShip?:...Battle? Draco/Ginny? Maybe Blaise/Hermione.

In other news I won't be on for about a week from Friday. I'm going to Europe to try stalking the models...no I'm not but I'll try. If I see any model I'll squeal like a crazy fan girl and run though...gotta give me points for that. So see you guys soon!

hp shipping, meme, europe, shakira

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