Title: Sunrise
Fandom: Veronica Mars
Characters: Veronica Mars/Lilly Kane
Prompt: 031: Sunrise
Word Count: 166
Rating: G
Summary: Sunrise was the only time that Lilly retained any of her innocence.
Author's Notes: Stand alone piece for now, although all of my pieces are somewhat linked.
Lilly lay on her front on her bed, her blonde hair lying messy across the pristine pillow slip. Her legs were a tangle of bed sheet and silk nightclothes, the hem of her nightdress around her thighs. Her makeup was smudged across her sleeping face, her mascara a smear on her rosy cheek.
Veronica was lying on her side, much neater in her pink cotton pyjamas with her hair neatly pulled back into a plait. A small bear holding onto a heart lay next to Veronica’s slowly moving chest, and she disturbed it as she stirred in her sleep.
The rosy light of the dawn shone through the pale pink net curtains, lighting the room in a warm glow. A blackbird sang outside, and another bird took up the call; passing it on until the noise became too loud for Veronica to remain asleep.
Struggling awake, she looked over at Lilly and smiled sleepily. Sunrise was the only time that Lilly retained any of her innocence.
Little Damn Table