Going to see Star Trek at the Smithsonian IMAX in Chantilly, VA on Friday 6/19 at 6pm.
So far we have
raygunronica ,
spiderwebb (+1 friend), and myself.
If you were linked here from
ontd_startrek , JOIN THE FUN!
To buy your ticket, go
here. DO IT NOW.
koboot suggested
the Enterprise shuttle as a good meeting spot. Can we manage a 5:30 meet-up? I will have something in hand to identify myself and welcome you.
Don't have time to hunt down a good picture of myself, and my camera (which I will be bringing with me tonight) seems to be adverse to capturing me properly this morning) so... look for a sandy blond in glasses clutching a camera looking either incredibly stressed from the drive through VA (or laughing because the driver is as cool in person as she is online).
See you tonight!