(no subject)

Sep 30, 2008 19:01

Lately this is me:

I sleep for ten or twelve hours, and can't make myself wake up, even though I'm aware throughout my dreams that I need to wake up and my dream-self does various things anxiously trying to break out of sleep.

When I do wake up, it's slowly and groggily, more from a coma as it seems than a sleep; I can't even see properly for several minutes, and I have a persistent sense of unreality for the first hour I'm awake, convinced periodically that I am dreaming that I got up, and really didn't. I feel I could sleep all day and all night. Sometimes, I do. I am missing a lot of work and putting off a lot that needs done.

I can't remember anything. I ask a question and someone answers it, and I ask it again five minutes later with no memory of having asked or having been answered. I stop in the middle of a sentence and say helplessly after a moment, '...what was I just saying?' I know everyone walks into rooms and forgets why they did so, but intead of once a month or so, I do it six times a day. I feel confused a lot of the time. I type the wrong word a lot in place of the right word. I do it in speech as well, but it happens oftener when I type. (I just corrected an example above, originally typing 'putting up' when I meant 'putting off'.)

I was startled by how much hair came out last time I brushed it. And of course I've gained 15 pounds in only seven months with no particular lifestyle change. The last time I gained 15 pounds, it took me 12 years. I know I'm 38 now, but seriously.

I need to exercise, but I'm so tired I can't. Not just low energy, but tired as in, it feels like my arms each weigh 50 pounds.

This is all symptomatic of hypothyroidism. I am on synthetic thyroid hormone, but I suspect my problem thyroid has shifted again and I need a higher dose now.

BUT... if things run true to form in my typical experience with the medical world, the doctor is going to say my levels are 'within the normal range' and therefore not do jack shit to my dosage.

Had my blood drawn last Friday and haven't heard back yet. I dread it.


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