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Jul 27, 2005 18:14

i Am AbOuT OnE dAy aWaY FrOM mY LiCeNSe!! aNd ThiS iS ReALly AnN0YyiNg YeS?? why the hell do people type like that sometimes anyway? hella annoying.. feels like i'm goin dizy or something. so back to what i was saying! I took my last driver's training course today well more like just an hour ago and the guy told me to practice a little with my parents before tomorrow to doubly check that i dont screw up or anything. so at first we were driving around and the emergency break was on.. stupid me.. i mean it's like my car doesnt really have a working emergency break so i'm not used to that part :-/ and so then i forgot to look behind me to check for a car coming up my ass and of course there weren't because my street is NEVER busy anyway.. all the rich kids are driving around and if they dont already have their license then their parents drive them someplace and if that isnt in progress they're all probly on the computer playing a game or whatever other business they have going on late at night ;) haha just kidding! so we were driving around and this beautiful young lady was in the back seat and she was nice and went to montevista and the three of us were having a grand old time. i had a few problems looking over my left shoulder while taking a left turn. now why they do that.. hell if i know, but only an idiot biker would be stupid enough to jump infront of a car while the sign still says DON'T WALK. i cross when it says dont walk but i only do it when it is SAFE not when i wanna kill myself by road kill you know? im gonna break my neck truning left and right constantly like that.. the freeway we had some fucking jerkoff bitch that was talking shit to me while i was taking the driver's training you know? a bunch of bullshit and my instructor was ready to pound this guy in if we were standing next to eachother.. oh boy that was great, really got my blood going if you know what i mean!

soo at first my instructor was like "what happened to you? you were doing so perfect the last time you were driving but now you're gonna fail the test. i thought you wanted to pass it!" and i was like yeah thanks pal reaally needed to know im about to fail a big part of my life here.. and then i was trying to tune in more and do perfect and stuff and finaly i got it about a half hour later and i was just like i was before and he said at the end that i was going to do awsome. i was actualy feeling pretty good inside again you know.. like after he told me im a complete failure hahaha jk.

last night me and my buddy were jsut chatting with people.. that was fun. he and bird were chatting about stuff all day long while i looked at pictures in the year book. he was gigling and laughing and having a grand old time. it was nice until he had to go home and kept bugging me till the crack of dawn. heh it was cool. then i woke up today becoming really exhausted and frightened to fail and all this stuff omg! i was gonna go die! and when i got on aim of course i got bugged again and i just didnt want to do anything untill the second i got in that car and drove off. had to talk to bird a lot to keep my mind off the test. yeah i'm not feeling to good about it cuz i havent gotten a lot of driving in since mom works like 24 hours a day and i havent seen dad since i got off the plane from taiwan.. so at least if i can go somewhere TONIGHT! thats right mom and dad i said TONIGHT then maybe i wont have a problem with tomorrow. it's all at walnut creek which i've never been driving before so i think i'd best take it for a spin out there.. hopefuly this isnt turning out to be an automatic fail or im gonna REALLY die..

it's funny you know.. mom drives about 1.2 - 2 *times* the max speed limit and yet she is scared if shes in the car with me driving at about.. 45 on the freeway. shes a real drag in the car and its no wonder i never go out driving with her. i just hope she gets over it in a couple of weeks or so. once i do pass tomorrow i'm gonna take my car out the rest of the day and just drive and cruise around. well i'm gonna be happy thats all.. at least gordon wont be driving me anywhere. he doesnt seem to have much sense for driving safely and i dont really wanna be one of those kids that dies because of someone else. no offense at all to him he's great kid but i still dont think i'm invincible. well i'm gonna cut it off here. i dont wanna make myself nervous.
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