Oct 27, 2006 20:59
Melody turned six months old last Sunday! Time flies.
Since last week, she's been able to sit/stand/walk in one of those little chair-style thingies - you know, those with a frame and a table to protect her from falling out and it has wheels, so that she can push herself forward with her feet on the floor. She's really getting a hang on how to walk forward in that.
She can (almost) sit on her own on the floor. But someone still needs to watch her so that she doesn't fall backwards. She's NEARLY there...
Yesterday, her first tooth broke through. It's sharp! I'm glad I'm not breastfeeding her now. :-)
Yesterday was also the first time we tried feeding her gruel (?) instead of the regular formula.
Yesterday, she also got a vaccination against TBC. An American woman on a train once advised me to vaccinate the baby if we were to go to the USA - especially to those states where a lot of people from countries with lots of TBC live - such as Mexicans, for instance. And there are a lot of Mexicans in Colorado. Also there have been cases of TBC in Sweden the last year or so, so I'd say better safe than sorry. The vaccination gives her a lifelong protection. She was a good girl, but of course, she cried out very loudly for a minute or so. Then, after hugging me for a bit, she went back to be haer normal happy self and tried to steal the nurse's glasses.
In the afternoon yesterday, it was time for her six-month check-up at the doctor's. He checked her heart, lungs and hips. He also checked so that she can do some baby-talk, that she can switch hands when holding something and that she can roll around on the floor. She can do all those things; has been able to for some time already, so he was all happy with her.
Her current stats:
Height: 63 cm
Weight: 6420 g
Head circumference: 41.8 cm
All well, except they think she has started to grow less in height, so we'll go back there in two weeks again to make sure she's growing like she should; it could have been a mistake in the measuring.