Project365, Week 01: Beverages

Apr 12, 2009 10:56

Last Sunday I decided to start my own project365 photo project. If you haven't heard or read about it yet, it's all about taking one photo every day for one year. There are project365 groups on flickr and ipernity and probably some more photo sites. So I started it last Sunday without really much thought about what I would take a photo of every day. Without much thought if I'll do it with an artistic or a documentary focus. Or both. Or neither. Because I'm really not that good at taking pictures. I guess the point of this project is to be train my "photographic eye". To experiment, to detect motifs [learned a new word here *g*] worth taking. Still don't know if I want to be an artist or a documentarist. If I'll be able to be either at all.
I realized that I need a theme though, because there are millions of things you can take a picture of every day and I don't have the time or energy to think about which motif to choose every day. So I decided to give myself a theme for every week, which limits the range of motifs bit. According to the first photo I took rather randomly, my theme for week 01 is "Beverages". I'm not that 100% content with these photos, but I'm just starting. And training and experimenting. :-)

project365, photos

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