The Past Week of My Life...

Apr 12, 2009 10:29

The lack of blog posts might have given you the impression that I'm insanely busy. And that impression would be right. My schedule for today gives me about 15 minutes to write this and post my first week of project365. Because I want to work on my termpaper from 10 - 2 (at least) before I spend some time with my family and then will meet 
hai_di  and go to Cologne together to see 5vor12 in concert. And I spent too much time away from the computer and the termpaper already yesterday. So just a few random thoughts of this week:

I watched "Slumdog Millionaire" and I liked it. It was different than I expected, it showed much more of the ugly and horrible side of lifes in the slums than I expected. I also watched the new LOST and I liked that as well. We got some answers and even more questions and I'm still not quite sure about the way the story is going. But I think I will at least still enjoy watching it. Even if it's just for the wonderful Ben/Locke dialogues.

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Staying up to watch hockey on ESPN clearly messes up any schedule you might have had for the next day. I watched the Canadiens @ Boston game on Thursday night. Well Friday morning actually, from 1 am til about 3.30 am. It was a great game and I enjoyed watching it, because it was fast and exciting and all a hockey game should be. I have to admit I dozed off every once in a while and missed most of the 2nd period. I should have gone to bed then, but I just couldn't leave my armchair and the TV. Friday morning I got up around 10.30 am, needed at least another hour until I was really awake and then the first half of the day was already over. The thing is, I'll probably do it again some time soon, because watching NHL hockey is quite the experience.

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Some other thing which made me lose some sleep was the supportstacie  auction, which ended on Tuesday 4.00 am (my time). One of my favourite Grey's fanfic writers slybrunette  took part in it and I just loved the idea of getting a story written according to my wishes and to also support a good cause. There were a couple of other fans bidding on this so in order to make sure I win this auction I had to get up in the middle of the night. Yes I'm crazy, I know... And then the server crashed and the whole auction was extended till 4.30 am *yawn* I stayed around and won it with $38 (29 €) ! The bidder in second place _takemeaway_ decided to join my prompt, added some of her ideas, donated some money as well and now slybrunette is writting a fic according to our wishes, which are the following.

We'd like an ensemble fic, with a focus on the Alex/Meredith dynamic, set post-engagement. Some angst would be great (possibly Meredith second guessing the "yes" or the timing given everything that's happening with Izzie and Cristina, etc.), but ending on a happy/hopeful note. Canon ships are good. Minimal George would be nice. A scene or two in Meredith's house/out of the hospital with some good old fashioned roommate interaction would be nice, too. Oh, and we'd love to see some form of Derek/Mark reconciliation or progress.

slybrunette is great with Mer/Alex and ensemble fics, so it's going to be a great story, I'm sure of it...

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I spent Thursday afternoon in Cologne, shopping for my London/Scotland trip. For this trip I first of all wanted to buy a new travel bag / suitcase, because of the change of locations I might be hauling my baggage quite a few times and I wanted something that can be hauled around easily. Easier than the suitcase I usually borrow from my mom. I found this great wheeled Convertible Pack in the Globetrotter online store. It's a travel bag with wheels, but can also be converted to a backpack (the system is zipped away). Sounds strange? It isn't. Check it out in the online store. I also wanted to buy a shoulder bag and maybe some shoes.

I haven't been shopping in Cologne for a while now, so I took my time to enjoy the the lively atmosphere around the cathedral, got a Chocolate Chip Cream Frappuccino at Starbucks and just stroll around. Of course I had to enter the Mayersche and buy a couple of books (vacation related). When I entered the Globetrotter store I accidently used the entrance right in to the bag and backpack department and I immediately saw my travel bag. I wasn't sure if they would have it in the store, because they have so many things in the catalogue and on the online store, which they can't have all available in the stores. But they did. Yay! It tested it and loved it. I spent another 60 minutes to find a shoulder bag, which was much more difficult to find. They were either to small or to heavy or hadn't a zipper on top, which made them rather unsafe to me, especially when you walk around London or Glasgow. I finally managed to find one which I liked. I didn't have time to look for shoes after that, because I was meeting a friend for dinner and we had a great time. But I have to go back to shop for shoes soon :-)

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The rest of the week consisted of work and a meeting with my local Greens, which left me a bit annoyed and frustrated. And with some more things to do. Yesterday I was doing my work out at Kieser in Bochum with oceans77 , had some icecream afterwards and in the evening I joined my brothers and their friends at our family's Easter Fire. All wonderful things to do, which I enjoyed very much, but it took away quite some time from all the termpaper work, which I really should get on with soon, as it's already after 10.30 am. *sigh*

life, miscellaneous

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