Between Tweet and Blog Post

Nov 27, 2010 20:03

When I read JJ's "Friday Night Leftovers" this morning I thought that this is exactly the only kind of post I'd be able to write at the moment. There is so much going on and my brain is too full to write a coherent post. Most of the stuff that is going on isn't worth writing about either, which hopefully explains the draught in this blog. I also use twitter a lot for all the random thoughts I just have to get out of my head ;-) But sometimes 140 characters are not enough. These thoughts still don't warrant a blog post of their own. This is where the "Leftovers" idea comes into play. The following list is completely random. As you might notice ;-)

  • I suck at being organized at the moment. Maybe it's because I'm dreading the various tasks and assignments I have to do. Not all of them, actually, just one mostly. I know it won't magically be done by itself, so I shouldn't postpone it from day to day. But I just can't help myself. *sigh*

  • I bought some nice stuff for my new flat today at the christmas market. Candles, candleholders, first christmas decoration. Half of the items have a moose theme. What can I say?

  • I'm almost done with the Game On! Game. I'm not sure if I will win this competition. I might not make bonus points this week, when the scales this morning were working correct. Which would suck. I still lost about 4 kg (= 9 lb) in these four weeks and that's not bad. That was the plan after all. I hope I'll keep up with some of the healthy food rules and behaviour in the future.

  • I really think there should be a written code-of-conduct about how to behave at a rock concert. Which you agree to follow when you buy a ticket.I've never seen so weird and partly rude behaviour at a concert like I've experienced it yesterday. And girls, if you're not interested in the music and prefer to chat with each other, don't do it in the row behind me, where you push your shoulders into my back, whenever you turn around to talk to your friends!

  • I've never understood the whole "Paul, the octopus" hype this summer. It's still going on, which is really weird. They have a book of condolences at the Sea Life Aquarium! But the aquarium itself is nice to visit.

  • You would have to pay me a lot of money to make me go shopping at CentrO, the biggest mall in Germany (even Europe?) on a Saturday at this time of the year. I have no idea how all the people who were shopping there today actually managed to not go crazy.

  • I really should finally make a list of CDs, DVDs, books I might want to buy or get as a christmas present :-)

  • The Cologne Sharks might really be the worst hockey team this year. They actually are a the bottom of league, rightfully so. But I think they actually might be the worst team, and not just a team without luck. Which sucks, because there is really no hope of them to go anywhere this year. Everytime one of the coaches or manager talks about the still possible chance or reaching a pre-playoff rank I'm torn between utter embarrassment and utter fury for their stupidity

  • I'm way behind with my TV shows. I have no hopes for that to change before the Christmas holidays. I would have loved to watch the wonderful Thanksgiving episodes of West Wing on Thursday, but I lent the first three seasons to a friend some time ago. I really should remind her to return them to me, the next time I see her.

  • I have finished listening to the 4th audiobook of the Outlander Series today. I'm torn between listening to book 7 right away or to thumb through book 5 and 6 first to catch up with the events of these books. Difficult decisions ;-)

  • I have no idea when I'll finish unpacking and putting the stuff away in an orderly way.

  • I actually didn't want to watch it before the first sunday of advent or even before December 1st, but I can't help myself: I'll put in the "Love Actually" DVD in a short while. I just feel like it. And while watching it I'll enjoy some "christmas tea" from my new mug ;-)

life, miscellaneous

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